A study conducted by Duke University found that most people's actions are innate, habitual, and not intentional. If this study accurately reflects human behavior, it means that habits are a vital part of human life. .. more..
Despite our best efforts and intentions, making mistakes is a fact in life because it is human nature. We will inevitably mess something up at some point in our lives. Here lies the importance of learning how to apologize. .. more..
Charisma, the art of being unforgettable, is a skill within your grasp. In this article, we'll discuss 12 traits you can work on developing to improve your charisma.
I still remember Mike like yesterday, even though I met him more than a decade ago. He was a grim man sitting in the back of the room in the supervision training that I was doing.
Do you try to blend in anywhere? Does that make you anxious or stressed? If the answer is “yes,” you must learn how to stop caring so much and start accepting yourself and being yourself in any situation. .. more..
We often recharge our mobile phones when they run out of charge and refuel our cars when they empty their tanks, but sometimes we forget to take a break and renew our most precious possessions: our bodies and brains. .. more..
If you find it hard to start your morning on a positive note, don't worry; you are not alone. In fact, according to Gallup, only 43% of adults between the ages of 18 and 34 describe themselves as "energetic in the morning." .. more..
Visualisation is a type of mental training coupled with the actual, useful science underlying the fundamental idea. However, many books, articles, and fake experts also overstate claims about how you can imagine anything you want and .. more..
The Stoic philosopher and Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius said, "Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself, in your way of thinking."
Personal development is crucial for self-value, belief in abilities, and striving towards the future. Life is a journey of growth, and standing still means moving backward.
You should pursue your dreams for a variety of reasons, because working toward a higher goal gives your life more meaning, inspires you to wake up in the morning, and increases the happiness in your life. .. more..