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14 Success Stories That Started with Failures

Have you ever encountered a failure that ultimately proved beneficial? This is a question Tim Ferriss, author and host of “The Tim Ferriss Show” podcast, poses to each of his guests. They share a series of setbacks or highlight one failure pivotal to their success, as it spurred them on to improve and persevere. Indeed, failure serves as a crucial avenue for learning.

Does Positive Thinking Bring Real Benefits?

Positive thinking is a mental attitude that focuses on the positive aspects of a situation and fosters an optimistic outlook. This approach has been shown to have several positive effects on relationships, general well-being, and mental and physical health.

22 April 2024

Should You Vent Your Stress?

Most jobs tend to induce a certain level of stress. According to the American Institute of Stress, nearly half of all jobs, approximately 40%, are deemed stressful. While venting this stress with colleagues or friends is beneficial, unfortunately, the workplace may not be conducive to such release. In fact, it might exacerbate your stress levels.

21 April 2024

Can Successes Be Repeated?

The greater the success, the harder it is to identify the most important contributions that led to it. Attempts to replicate success often focus on the wrong factors.

20 April 2024

3 Reasons Why Deep Breathing Is So Important

Do you hate being told, when you're nervous, to take a deep breath? It sounds cliché and annoying, but it can actually be helpful. We overlook the advantages of deep breathing, but it's crucial for three reasons, especially during stressful situations.

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