Tips to Increase Productivity with Minimum Effort (Part One)

Every individual is granted 24 hours a day, and the art of individual productivity lies in investing these daily hours wisely.
clock icon 6 Minutes Top Performance    clock icon 17 October 2024

Five Productivity Principles to Help You Cut Down On To-Do Lists

The to-do list is one of the most widely used productivity tactics. I had a to-do list of dozens of items for years. A to-do list was something I believed was essential when I first started researching productivity, and because everyone .. more..
clock icon 5 Minutes Top Performance    clock icon 4 September 2024

Empathic Leadership Through Improvisational Speaking

It was clear in 2021 that companies must innovate and change not only to survive but also for the sake of prosperity and development. Now that everything is questionable and the methods reused are ineffective, the concepts that were .. more..
clock icon 6 Minutes Leadership    clock icon 28 August 2024

5 Ways to Improve Your Productivity with a Smartphone

Our smartphone adoption is on the rise, and a recent study showed that about 64% of adults have smartphones, but the question is: “Did you know that this smartphone can improve your productivity?” .. more..
clock icon 4 Minutes Top Performance    clock icon 9 August 2024

The Power of Storytelling: How to Create Compelling Marketing Messages?

Storytelling plays a vital role in transmitting experience and knowledge, from the bedtime stories of our childhood to the commitments that influence our lives.
clock icon 5 Minutes Business Training    clock icon 26 July 2023

Motivation Between Psychology and Business

Most businesses frequently encounter diverse human-to-human interactions. Consequently, companies that understand human behavior and pay heed to it are more likely to succeed.
clock icon 3 Minutes Finance and Business    clock icon 23 July 2023

Innovative Marketing Strategies: Examples and Lessons from Successful Campaigns

Innovation is the process of developing an idea into another function, product, or service. Businesses use innovative marketing to inform consumers about new developments and increase the likelihood of developing successful .. more..
clock icon 5 Minutes Marketing    clock icon 17 July 2023

Marketing 101: Understanding the Basics and Building a Strong Foundation

Marketing is all around us. Businesses always strive to make marketing effective for them. There is no escape from this crucial aspect of business, whether it takes the shape of content marketing, social media marketing, traditional .. more..
clock icon 5 Minutes Marketing    clock icon 12 July 2023

From Awareness to Action: The Psychology of Effective Marketing

To enhance their marketing outcomes, corporations frequently endeavor to examine human thoughts and behavior in order to produce materials that cater to their target markets.
clock icon 6 Minutes Finance and Business    clock icon 7 July 2023

Customer Service 101: Understanding the Basics and Providing Exceptional Service

On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate the efficacy of your customer service or support? Do you feel like you’re hitting all the right notes when it comes to pleasing your client base? Do you ever feel like you’re doing things .. more..
clock icon 5 Minutes Business Training    clock icon 3 July 2023

Creating Customer Loyalty: The Role of Relationship Marketing

It is crucial to maintain current clients since finding new ones might cost up to 25 times more.
clock icon 5 Minutes Marketing    clock icon 1 July 2023

Turning Complaints into Opportunities: The Art of Handling Difficult Customers

The pursuit of providing exceptional customer experiences is a paramount objective for every contemporary enterprise.
clock icon 6 Minutes Business Training    clock icon 16 June 2023
Brainycore art

Develop emotional intelligence skills

Manage your emotions to make a positive impact in your life and career