Do you suffer from sleep problems? Or do you feel you can barely stay awake when you need to? Do you feel tired and irritable, lacking the joy and motivation you used to feel?
For many years, sitting has been associated with smoking - both are slow killers of humans. The endocrinologist James Levine first put forward this idea in 2014 in his book "Get up," in which he claims that our lives are reduced by two hours .. more..
Each 9 out of 10 organizations offers one health promotion initiative, and the reason why these initiatives are so popular is obvious. They provide busy employees and executives with opportunities to improve their health without .. more..
As a global epidemic, obesity now affects people all over the world. This severe health problem places a heavy strain on society as a whole in addition to posing serious obstacles to individual wellbeing. .. more..
One of the most critical global health issues is heart disease. It is a complicated illness, with so many different types existing and so many differences in the general population.
Many people feel embarrassed by their sweating; They find in the phenomenon of sweating a reason that hinders them from carrying out their daily and recreational activities. Rather, they become ashamed to the point that they refrain .. more..
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 61% of adults experienced at least one negative experience in their childhood (Advertise Childhood Experience), and 16% reported experiencing four or more trials. .. more..
All human beings know what bathing is, but we can define it as complete washing with water, with or without certain detergents. There are several ways for bathing, including washing under the water sprinkler, soaking in the tub, or .. more..
We go through many different difficult situations in our lives. People's reactions vary when exposed to such attitudes. Some of them faint, some cry very hard, and some can take isolation from people as a way of reacting to those bad .. more..