The Realistic Personality and the Dreamy Personality

Can you determine your personality type? Are you a more realistic person or are you a dreamer? Are you a person who tends to focus on the practical side? Or do you want to pursue big dreams, even if you will fail to achieve them? .. more..
clock icon 8 Minutes Personality Styles    clock icon 19 January 2023

Negative Emotions and Their Impact on our Lives and Ways to Get Rid of Them

You deal more often with the various changes in your life in a defeatist way, and you believe that failure is the fate of every attempt you make. Also, you get angry quickly from situations that do not require all this emotion, and you are .. more..
clock icon 8 Minutes Positive Thinking    clock icon 19 January 2023

The Five Domains of Personal Growth

Personal growth is about quality, not quantity. So, what areas of personal growth would you like to improve?
clock icon 6 Minutes Personal Planning    clock icon 16 January 2023

The Essence of the Self and Its Levels: Has It Changed With the Change of Times?

Sarah is shy and polite and loves to read books. Noor is open-minded and loves meeting new people but can't handle stress well. John is a bit lazy but creative and open to every adventure his friends suggest. Sarah, Noor and John have .. more..
clock icon 6 Minutes Self    clock icon 11 January 2023

Toxic Positivity: Beware of Falling into This Trap

Life is not always rosy. As we experience difficult situations and moments, we are exposed to feelings of sadness, anxiety, fear, and frustration. We hear daily tips and instructions about positivity and its importance and necessity in .. more..
clock icon 7 Minutes Personal Development    clock icon 10 January 2023

20 Tips for Dealing with Difficult People

While my wife, Angel, and I were enjoying a backyard barbecue at our friend Sarah's house, a 16-year-old boy that she was raising at her home, named Cody, received an unexpected visit from his real mother. She was a woman who has been in and .. more..
clock icon 5 Minutes Personality Styles    clock icon 9 January 2023

Emotional Control: Three Obstacles that Prevent You from Mastering This Skill

Imagine that you are walking on stage in a large hall with thousands of people, your task is to draw the audience's attention with your presence, and you are making your way to the microphone.
clock icon 7 Minutes Emotional Intelligence    clock icon 8 January 2023

6 Steps to Total Emotional Mastery That Will Change Your Life

We’ve all had situations where our emotions got the best of us, whether we’re setting in traffic, dealing with a difficult co-worker, or arguing with a family member. Often it’s because we didn’t realise what .. more..
clock icon 5 Minutes Emotional Intelligence    clock icon 7 January 2023

The Skill Of Self-Reliance: Its Importance And How To Develop It?

It is true that man is a social being by nature, who derives much of his strength from others, but this does not mean that he should depend on their presence with him at every step of his life. The correct behavioral development of any person .. more..
clock icon 7 Minutes Self-confidence    clock icon 6 January 2023

How Work Problems Can Reduce Your Stress?

Life is stressful, and we humans try to do our best, bearing more than we can, and trying to hide our stress in many ways, but the stress still shows on us. We may always feel stressed in every situation, and this is due to our physiological .. more..
clock icon 5 Minutes Stress Management    clock icon 5 January 2023

11 Advice to Help You Become More Social

I was not a social person by nature, but I found a way to become a social person. There is no doubt that social people have better relationships, more opportunities, and more chances to assume leadership positions. .. more..
clock icon 10 Minutes Family and Society    clock icon 5 January 2023

8 Key Differences Between Introverted and Extroverted People That You Should Know

You may have heard someone describe you as an introvert or an extrovert, which is referred to as “social” in psychology. However, you probably didn’t wonder about the exact difference between these two personality .. more..
clock icon 7 Minutes Personality Styles    clock icon 4 January 2023
Brainycore art

Develop emotional intelligence skills

Manage your emotions to make a positive impact in your life and career