Articles on self-development, principles, success stories, and human development booksArticles on self-development, principles, success stories, and human development books
There comes a time in each of our lives when we get tired of pretending to be something that doesn't represent us, a time when the many demands of our vanity, the endless expectations of others, and the raging tantrums of our fake selves no .. more..
What are your deepest desires? What do you want to get first of all? Admittedly, these questions are not easy to answer. We humans have many desires, some of them are more important than others, but when it comes to desires, we want all of .. more..
Psychological stress has always been a negative thing in man’s life that they have sought to get rid of in all ways over the ages, but modern science has proven that we need a certain percentage of this stress to help us accomplish and .. more..
Each of us has a certain perception of themselves, so that everyone knows their qualities well. Then they determine whether they are shy or brave, successful or unsuccessful, adventurous or afraid to take a new step, which is normal. .. more..
Life is a short description, you promote your skills while looking for a job, or your products when you want to work, even when you ask for a date with your partner, you are self-promoting.
For most people, life is full of struggle. Your career is not what you would like it to be, or you may be experiencing some weight gain and feel you should eat in a healthier way, or your relationships are complex and you need to do something .. more..
We all have the same amount of time, so the most successful and productive people are the ones who use their time most efficiently, “What we do over and over again is who we are, so excellence is not a business, but it’s a .. more..
Do you remember your parents’ big attempts to force you to sleep during the afternoon which you would resist with all your power when you were a kid? And now that you have become a responsible adult who deals with life’s .. more..
A sense of comfort and the absence of stress and anxiety are characteristic of being within your comfort zone; however, your greatest achievements and successes usually come the moment you decide to get out of it. .. more..
I learned decisiveness from my mother. She always expresses her feelings and sensations and can refuse easily when necessary, and she always acts in the interest of her family. She also thinks in everyone's interest. She's the most .. more..
Research shows that people take shorter breaks from work more on days when they are tired, but that's not a bad thing. Researchers have found that short breaks help tired employees recover from their morning stress and focus better on .. more..