A pessimistic, gloomy outlook on your life can have a negative impact in many ways than you think. Research links negative thinking to an increased risk of mental and physical health problems and problems with relationships and finances .. more..
While I was sitting watching the series and after finishing the first episode, I started the next one, so I decided to watch it and postpone my work for a later time. Of course, when the episode ended, I was curious to know the next events and .. more..
Getting started with anything is really easy. Anyone can become a writer, designer, illustrator, entrepreneur, or whatever they want, but only a few people continue what they started. For example, most people want to start a business, .. more..
Do you need people to support your goals to be successful? of course not. Confidence is more important than the impressions of others around you, and given that I’m somewhat young for a personal development writer, I think a lot of .. more..
Let's think of it this way: Emotions are animalistic, instinctual reactions to outside stimuli. Are you emotional? Of course you are! You’re human. But what if I was to tell you that you aren’t emotional at all, that .. more..
The mind provides the power to improve when it sees it as absolutely necessary, so when you predict that you will have difficulty taking a certain action, the trick is to focus on the situation first without thinking and predicting what .. more..
We cannot ignore the extent to which the term emotional intelligence is prevalent among us these days. This is not surprising as long as emotional intelligence is one of the most important factors for an individual’s success in .. more..
I am relaxed at home doing normal things and browsing social media, but tomorrow is an important day for me. There are many things I have to do because I will move to another city. Furthermore, the repairman will come at 8 am, so I will have to .. more..
Decision making is the process of gathering relevant information in order to choose the best decision based on a range of available options. Good decision-making is a step-by-step approach that allows a person to constantly make better .. more..
You wake up every morning with a heavy thought just because you have to go to work, but have you ever thought that the reason you don't want to go to work or love it is the bad communication between you and your colleagues in the work .. more..
Goleman drew attention to the link between educational success and emotional and social competence in 1995, and he pointed out that emotional intelligence is more important than the average IQ for success in various areas of life, .. more..
I want to ask you a question: How many hours do you think during the day? You might answer, “I never thought about that.” This leads me to wonder. You think all the time, yet you never think about how much time you spend thinking, .. more..