Articles on self-development, principles, success stories, and human development booksArticles on self-development, principles, success stories, and human development books
Imagine for a moment that you inhabit someone else's mind, or live inside their dreams. Also, you are free to shape their reality as you see fit and to direct the course of their life by changing the thoughts in their subconscious mind that .. more..
Do you need people to support your goals to be successful? of course not. Confidence is more important than the impressions of others around you, and given that I’m somewhat young for a personal development writer, I think a lot of .. more..
Let's think of it this way: Emotions are animalistic, instinctual reactions to outside stimuli. Are you emotional? Of course you are! You’re human. But what if I was to tell you that you aren’t emotional at all, that .. more..
Everyone procrastinates. If you ever meet someone who claims to never procrastinate, you might be dealing with a machine. But just because everyone procrastinates doesn't mean it's a good thing. It just means we all have our flaws as .. more..
Scientific research is one of the most important tools for the progress and development of countries in all fields. Therefore, developed countries today are very interested in scientific research, and have entered into a ruthless race .. more..
The mind provides the power to improve when it sees it as absolutely necessary, so when you predict that you will have difficulty taking a certain action, the trick is to focus on the situation first without thinking and predicting what .. more..
In the previous article, we discussed the philosophy of accelerated learning, its principles, and its use of suggestion and imagination tools to make learning more fun and effective by helping learners immerse themselves in learning. .. more..
We are all so busy with our responsibilities at home or at work. Many of us are so focused on doing tasks that we forget to focus on ourselves, but ensuring our health and happiness is crucial. So, how do you make time for yourself, your health, .. more..
The definition of success varies from person to person, but what is not disputed by two is that achieving success is not easy. Even with a simple definition that determines a person's success by being able to live life the way they want, .. more..
Energy flows wherever the focus is. This has been true throughout human history, but we now live in a unique time. Smartphones, social media, and selfies are all distractions we face today, and they are always present, and seemingly .. more..
In the second section of our series of articles, we discussed the reasons why the Flipped Classroom Model is the ideal solution, and in this last part of this series we will continue talking about the conditions for its success and the .. more..
Quick wit and fluency are the greatest treasures that a person possesses in their life because they are the key to the success of their professional and personal life. Through it, they can win the relationships they want and win people .. more..