The first child is born to receive a lot of love, attention, and care in all its forms. Then they grow up feeling their importance within their family surrounding them at all times and even their importance to their close ones and .. more..
There is no doubt that education is the most important factor in the advancement and progress of society. Believing in the importance of education, man established schools in order to guarantee security, progress, and civilization. .. more..
Childhood is one of the most important distinctive stages in a person’s life. Building the child's proper personality requires special attention to raise a healthy child.
Studies confirm the importance of educating the child at an early age by introducing them to education centers for their age until the time comes for the child to enter school.
The arrival of a new baby adds feelings of joy and happiness to the family, especially when they are the first child in the family because children are the adornment of life, and one of the most beautiful things that can happen to a person is to .. more..
In a situation where the child has become extremely dependent, the role of the mother has shifted from a person who establishes healthy and balanced habits aimed at building a stable personality for her child to someone responsible for .. more..