Articles on self-development, principles, success stories, and human development booksArticles on self-development, principles, success stories, and human development books
On some days, you wake up with high expectations for an amazing and productive day. You are eager to get out of bed and start your workout, check a few things off your to-do list, and then prepare a wholesome and delicious breakfast. But it .. more..
Exams, whether they are traditional or digital, have always been terrifying to students. Given the pressure of the exams as well as the short preparation time available, the question, "Who implicated all these generations over all .. more..
We all have provocative people in our lives. They come in different types. Their personalities can be very provocative, and dealing with them is like torture. They might be co-workers, family members, neighbors, or clients that we have .. more..
That voice that never stops talking in your head may occasionally be anxious and warn you of the terrible things that could happen, and other times it may be so depressing that it tells you that you are helpless, that no one cares about you, .. more..
Admitting that you are tired is not a shameful thing, as it happens to all of us at some point in our lives.
We don't have much time and energy to deal with all our personal and professional responsibilities, and worse, sudden events can .. more..
One day, as I was preparing salad for lunch, I cut my finger. Although I wasn't seriously hurt, this experience made me realize how irresponsible I am. In general, self-talk is something that we all engage in. .. more..
Anything thrives when you take care of it and give it your attention. Therefore, if you want to thrive and succeed, you must put your attention on and take care of yourself, but this doesn't mean that you shouldn't care about others, too. .. more..
Although material poverty is undoubtedly a pressing concern for many of us, the fact that 80% of people are likely to be among the world's poorest people has nothing to do with their bank account.
Are you a people-pleaser who can't say no? Do you often think about whether someone loves you or not? Why do most of us always seek the approval of others? Why don't people like me? How can I stop caring about pleasing others? If you frequently .. more..
Clocks may be one of the oldest devices that our ancestors devised in Babylon, the birthplace of civilization. They gave us ways to track time, set schedules, set our appointments, and control the flow of our daily routine. .. more..
The reason for procrastination isn't what you think. By taking two easy steps, you can reduce its occurrence or, better yet, overcome it altogether. However, many of us blame and criticize ourselves when we procrastinate; we feel as if we .. more..