The mind is believed to be infinite in terms of comprehension and reflection. Yet, this remarkable capacity encounters several limitations and barriers that hinder its potential.
The only way to ensure that neither your life nor the lives of others don't go off the rails is to acknowledge your own biases and other cognitive limitations.
"The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so .. more..
In such an unpredictable and challenging world, it has become imperative to approach life with optimism. This article explores practical strategies and mental shifts to foster a more optimistic outlook on life, aiming to uncover the .. more..
Imagine another typical day in your life, where you wake up on the same date, do your usual morning routine, eat breakfast, and then receive a message from your mother.
Limited thinking is a thought pattern that restricts people from seeing things clearly or accepting different opinions. It is characterized by bias, prejudice, and clinging to previous beliefs without analyzing or reviewing them. In .. more..
Everybody has a personal story in their minds; so do you. That story is easily a set of beliefs that ultimately make you who you are. They lay the foundation for every action you take or refrain from taking in life. You are essentially .. more..
Self-development is a vital process that individuals should continuously engage in throughout their lives. Failure to continuously develop oneself can lead to a decline in a person's intelligence and creative abilities over time. .. more..
One of the things that contributes the most to our happiness is something that we rarely pay attention to, which is our voice inside us. In his new book, Chatter, psychologist Ethan Kross describes that voice as constantly analyzing .. more..
The vast majority of our behavior is habitual: As much as we feel like we think throughout the day and make conscious decisions, most of our activities are driven by habits deeply rooted in us.
We know that positive thinking is the key to happiness, but how can we achieve this when we are possessed by disturbing negative thoughts? It is easy; only follow health expert Shereen Oberg's nine-step plan. .. more..