I still remember Mike like yesterday, even though I met him more than a decade ago. He was a grim man sitting in the back of the room in the supervision training that I was doing.
The Stoic philosopher and Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius said, "Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself, in your way of thinking."
The Greeks believed that what separates a skilled craftsperson from an ordinary one is their ability to clarify the purpose of their work and simply demonstrate their ability to perform a specific task in record time. .. more..
When I'm going through tough times and I feel like I can't stand it, I remind myself that I've been there before and have managed to get through them all.
Regardless of who you are or what work you do, we all feel fear of rejection to varying degrees. You may be afraid of not getting the job you want so much, you may be afraid of not getting the promotion you want, you may be afraid of rejection when .. more..
Recently, one good news is that people with a genetic predisposition to heart disease but with a positive outlook on the future were one-third less likely to have a heart attack and other cardiovascular events within 5-25 years compared .. more..
My wife, my six-month-old son, and I started getting ready to go on a much-needed beach vacation after being cooped up in my house for six months, save for a few random visits to my grandfather's house to break up the monotony. .. more..
I have to admit that I was initially shocked by the following two statistics from a 2017 American Express Open report on the state of women-owned businesses in the United States.
Beliefs' deceptive aspect is our absolute conviction that ours are correct. In reality, we all learn at some point in our lives that everything we believe based on our perception is incorrect, at least partially. .. more..
"There is a sparkling, wonderful, and priceless masterpiece in front of you, and it is elaborate and comprehensive and has resulted in hard work of love and sincerity.
One day, as I was preparing salad for lunch, I cut my finger. Although I wasn't seriously hurt, this experience made me realize how irresponsible I am. In general, self-talk is something that we all engage in. .. more..