If you don't do something about it, it's an obsession that causes you a constant state of anxiety. It can take years to worry about every social and practical encounter, so it's essential to understand the reasons behind your lack of confidence in yourself so that you can truly live life instead of being afraid of being noticed.
5 Tips to overcome the fear of the people
1. Stop trying to imprint them
Your self-confidence cannot flourish unless you are yourself, so you have to work on developing your true personality instead of imitating the people you feel you should be like, and try to build self-confidence by adopting a false personality that is similar to trying to follow a healthy diet; in fact, it is based on fast food.
What sets you apart from anyone else is simply being you, so reveal your true identity, and you will learn to trust yourself. Until then, you will continue to be afraid of trying to be someone else because imitating others is a fear reflection, and building self-confidence just needs to be you.
2. Stop competing with others
Every day, we compete with others intentionally or unintentionally due to the comparisons we make between us and them. The problem is that most of us are not good at choosing the right challenges and comparisons, and we always make unrealistic comparisons, so if you insist on continuing to do so, try to change the rules:
- They may look great, but you outdo them in social life.
- They may have a higher position, but you have a better job.
- They may have more money, but you're more generous.
- They may have a loving audience, but you are blessed with the love of your children.
The point is that it is a ridiculous game anyway. You cannot compare two things that are different, and even if you want to, people are not rigid things that make it easy to compare them. If you fear someone for having a higher position, understand that positions do not define anyone's identity, and if someone has more wealth, money scares you. Will you fear them if they lose all their money?
So, stop competing, separate each person's identity from what surrounds them, and you will see nothing to worry about.
3. Stop focusing on yourself
That may seem confusing after talking about the need to discover your true self and being that beautiful person to not feel fear again for sure. However, when you feel fear, ignore it and focus only on the other person; it is an easy tactic to master with a bit of practice.
If you can ignore your anxiety and the noise of your internal negative thoughts that belittle you, you will be able to hear what they are saying. You will notice their fears, flaws, and disorders and find a weak human being struggling to make their way in life just like you, so stop focusing on yourself and look at the other, and you will not find a superhuman being, but an imperfect human being.
4. Learn the skill of rejection
Fear of others is a reflection of a feeling of helplessness. You feel that even if you gather all your energy, you will still be inferior to them, so you must learn the skill of rejection that confident people master.
It can seem very daunting. We often stutter and hesitate to express our true desire to refuse, yet the rejection is like a muscle; the more we use it, the stronger it becomes at confident people master.
Keeping up and always agreeing for fear of upsetting others is tiring and restrictive. It also distracts you from your truth and distracts you from caring for yourself. That is certainly not a way to develop your self-confidence. Rejecting an invitation you do not want to meet or an unjustified request gently but firmly is a great way to push your self-confidence toward prosperity.
5. Learn the skill of acceptance
Learning to agree at the proper times can boost your confidence. Confident people accept the right opportunities even if they must get out of their comfort zone. Sometimes, they accept opportunities simply because they challenge them to eliminate their comfort zone.
That may seem strange until you try it yourself and taste the majestic feeling of strength and flexibility when you discover your ability to do more than you thought you could do. Repeatedly stepping out of your comfort zone also boosts your confidence in your ability to achieve more each time, thus overcoming your fears. You can't be confident and afraid at the same time, right?
But remember to leave your comfort zone, not your safety zone. Challenge yourself, but don't risk what's essential. Start by challenging yourself with simple things, and you'll soon amaze yourself with how much you can succeed. As you continue to accept challenges, you'll get used to them and quickly become eager for them because it strengthens your belief in yourself.
In conclusion
Taking small steps can overcome the causes of fear forever, so be yourself, work to develop your self-confidence, and stop belittling yourself.
Then, you will live the feeling of comfort no matter who you deal with, feel that you are an essential member of your peers in your social life and at work, feel that you are someone everyone appreciates and can be relied upon, in addition to not having to feel dread again.
All these are astonishing opportunities and experiences waiting for you to believe in yourself, so work to apply these simple and efficient tips.
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