Articles on self-development, principles, success stories, and human development booksArticles on self-development, principles, success stories, and human development books
A study conducted by Duke University found that most people's actions are innate, habitual, and not intentional. If this study accurately reflects human behavior, it means that habits are a vital part of human life. .. more..
Despite our best efforts and intentions, making mistakes is a fact in life because it is human nature. We will inevitably mess something up at some point in our lives. Here lies the importance of learning how to apologize. .. more..
The ability to learn a language more quickly is an important skill to acquire in a world that requires learning quickly and making big changes, regardless of the language you learn, but the most common mistake people make when learning a .. more..
Charisma, the art of being unforgettable, is a skill within your grasp. In this article, we'll discuss 12 traits you can work on developing to improve your charisma.
Noticing every little detail in life is not always helpful. There are numerous benefits, the most significant of which is that many high-level positions necessitate a high level of attention to minute details. .. more..
I still remember Mike like yesterday, even though I met him more than a decade ago. He was a grim man sitting in the back of the room in the supervision training that I was doing.
Do you have high social intelligence? Many people think that intelligence gained from reading and knowledge is what determines your IQ, but social intelligence (SI) is an essential part of your success. .. more..
Do you try to blend in anywhere? Does that make you anxious or stressed? If the answer is “yes,” you must learn how to stop caring so much and start accepting yourself and being yourself in any situation. .. more..
We often recharge our mobile phones when they run out of charge and refuel our cars when they empty their tanks, but sometimes we forget to take a break and renew our most precious possessions: our bodies and brains. .. more..