
Articles on self-confidence and strength of character

7 Habits That Harm Your Self-confidence

Self-confidence is an essential quality that helps people to go through life with assurance and boldness.
clock icon 5 Minutes Self-confidence    clock icon 11 May 2023

Sport and Self-Confidence: The Science Behind the Link Between Mind and Body

Sports and physical exercise are frequently recognized for their positive effects on physical health, including muscular growth, weight loss, and enhanced cardiovascular health.
clock icon 5 Minutes Sport    clock icon 6 May 2023

How to Foster Your Child's Self-Esteem and Self-Confidence?

Raising children is a challenging endeavor, no matter how much you think you’re prepared to handle it.
clock icon 5 Minutes Raising Children    clock icon 16 April 2023

Attributes of a Confident Woman

In this article, we will talk about a woman who has confidence in herself, who is often known as an alpha woman, and we will talk about her personality traits, how she behaves in a relationship, and what makes her so desirable to high-quality .. more..
clock icon 6 Minutes Self-confidence    clock icon 18 February 2023

Judging Ourselves Right

Being judgmental is a fact of life. We always judge others, and quite frankly this makes us all worse off.
clock icon 7 Minutes Self-confidence    clock icon 10 February 2023

Why are We Questioning Ourselves? And How Do We Overcome That?

There is no one who does not have self-doubt, which can hinder progress in life. It indicates a lack of confidence in yourself and in your abilities, and it can cast a shadow over all areas of your life. .. more..
clock icon 4 Minutes Self-confidence    clock icon 7 February 2023

7 Reasons You Stop Trying to Prove Yourself to Others

We sometimes try to show others that we are perfect in our desire to be accepted and admired by all, but people's satisfaction is an unreachable purpose, and we should never seek to please everyone. The beauty of man lies in their .. more..
clock icon 5 Minutes Self-confidence    clock icon 5 February 2023

Strategies to Overcome Self-Doubt

Low self-esteem can take over everyone. Feeling self-doubt is part of being human, and understanding your own psychology can help you overcome it.
clock icon 5 Minutes Self-confidence    clock icon 3 February 2023

How Do You Get Rid of the Obsession With Comparing Yourself to Others?

Each of us has a certain perception of themselves, so that everyone knows their qualities well. Then they determine whether they are shy or brave, successful or unsuccessful, adventurous or afraid to take a new step, which is normal. .. more..
clock icon 7 Minutes Self-confidence    clock icon 30 January 2023

How Do You Rise Beyond the Stage of Self-improvement?

For most people, life is full of struggle. Your career is not what you would like it to be, or you may be experiencing some weight gain and feel you should eat in a healthier way, or your relationships are complex and you need to do something .. more..
clock icon 8 Minutes Self-confidence    clock icon 28 January 2023

The Essence of the Self and Its Levels: Has It Changed With the Change of Times?

Sarah is shy and polite and loves to read books. Noor is open-minded and loves meeting new people but can't handle stress well. John is a bit lazy but creative and open to every adventure his friends suggest. Sarah, Noor and John have .. more..
clock icon 6 Minutes Self    clock icon 11 January 2023

The Skill Of Self-Reliance: Its Importance And How To Develop It?

It is true that man is a social being by nature, who derives much of his strength from others, but this does not mean that he should depend on their presence with him at every step of his life. The correct behavioral development of any person .. more..
clock icon 7 Minutes Self-confidence    clock icon 6 January 2023
Brainycore art

Develop emotional intelligence skills

Manage your emotions to make a positive impact in your life and career