We often think negatively, expect the "worst," see the downside of positive attitudes, and even expect failure. I thought it was a kind of emotional insurance: if we expect the worst, we will not be disappointed when that happens. .. more..
Being flexible and promoting resilience have become very important in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. The field of positive psychology therefore focuses on promoting well-being and positive emotions to enhance resilience and .. more..
Last night I had a long conversation with my father on the phone, a wise 71-year-old man, about living and growing through adversity, and some of the things he said to me before we hung up that moved me deeply were: .. more..
There are many things you can tell yourself, even though you don't know them beforehand. You are constantly talking to yourself in your mental space. Your internal dialogues may seem useless at times, but in fact, the behavior of talking .. more..
One of my patients says, “I can't do it right; I know I'm going to fail, and I can never do it right.” These harsh, self-directed thoughts that go along with them all the time provoke their inability to satisfy simple desires, .. more..
Positive thinking is a mental attitude that focuses on the positive aspects of a situation and fosters an optimistic outlook. This approach has been shown to have several positive effects on relationships, general well-being, and .. more..
Remember how elders used to tell us that excessiveness in anything could be bad. They were right. Most of us believe that positive thinking is the passport to success, and based on that belief, we tend to teach ourselves to stay .. more..
Negative thoughts are like a chain. Once you think of one negative idea, such as, “I am not good enough,” or “I messed up the presentation or the conversation,” these thoughts increase little by little. Hence, .. more..
One of my readers emailed me asking, “What's the secret to staying positive?” I tried to remember if I had written anything about this topic before. So, I went through all the articles I wrote, and the result was that I .. more..
I like the moral idea behind the Law of Attraction that your thoughts control the outcome and the result of your life, and it reminds me of what Ralph Waldo Emerson, one of my favorite thinkers, once said, “The thoughts you think about .. more..
Does optimism help our health as we get older? The answer to this question is crucial because, if optimism promotes healthier aging, initiatives could be created to encourage positive thinking in both the young and the old. .. more..