The Greek term (technê), which is the root word of the term (technique), indicates that you must learn to be positive to achieve the desired results. According to the Greek philosopher Plato, mastering a craft is determined by achieving a goal, which requires knowing the intended result. Completing knowledge requires knowing the goal before working on it and having a skilled craftsperson explain its value. The goal's value is used to achieve and guide skillful work and to bring about the project's intended outcome.
The term (Technê) does not only refer to the craftsperson's ability to describe the desired and expected result; it also refers to the ultimate goal of benefiting from the project. In this case, you are the beneficiary of the ultimate goal. Your unique work will benefit you in the future.
Personal benefit is the outcome you should envision before applying actions, tools, and techniques to make a difference in your life; that is, to understand what needs to be done before practicing it and improve conditions by applying this ingenious technique in your work. This way, you will get the benefit you desire.
If you ask someone about the desired outcome they would like to improve in their life, they will likely say, “Achieving an ultimate result,” which they consider a positive change from their current point of view. However, being positive is essential to achieve this “ultimate goal”. For example, you could say:
- I will be richer than I am now.
- I will be physically stronger or fitter than now.
- I will be happier either psychologically or emotionally than now.
As you can see, it does not take much for most people to describe the ultimate goal they wish to achieve. However, understanding the goal or reason for this desired change and being able to describe it clearly - as in the Greek and other views - makes the difference between those who are recognised as skilled craftspeople versus those who perform tasks mechanically without understanding the desired outcome to be achieved.
7 Ways to Maintain Positivity and Achieve Desired Results
We'll present seven techniques used by skilled, trained craftspeople from around the world to deliver creative work:
1. Recall moments of achievement
Everybody has had successful moments when they felt strong and energised. Many craftspeople are trained in imagining, a way of thinking that helps us summon positive energy when we need it.
The goal is to strengthen their thoughts and feelings to a degree that they can attain through experience. We call this “getting in the zone.” There are many techniques for doing this. It is a skill that is acquired through study, observation, and practice until it becomes an acquired skill.
2. Visualize the ultimate goal
Adept craftspeople in any area learn techniques to maintain an image of the ultimate goal and focus on creating a replica of it, whether in a chart, on paper, audio recording, etc. It is a detailed model of the desired outcome. This exercise increases positive energy. So, to stay positive, imagine the ultimate goal.
You can easily notice the effects of positive energy on you through the feelings it arouses, mental clarity, even breathing and heart rate—a feeling of excitement often resulting in a smile and a sense of happiness or well-being. Think about the moment you reach your ultimate goal. It will enhance confidence and understanding as you experience your positive energy.
3. Follow a recipe
Some people are good at cooking, so they use whatever they find in the refrigerator, mix them, put them on the stove, and create delicious dishes. Some people are good at this, but not all the time. A recipe is a guide to ensure you usually get predictable results.
Over time, these results build positive mental energy and confidence in the accuracy of your predictions. Once you gain confidence by relying on powerful recipes, start developing new and innovative recipes and then implement them.
Recipes have a beginning, middle, end, and defined parts. They can be assembled and disassembled to understand their connections. Simplifying a recipe helps you understand it and allows you to maintain positivity.
4. Arrange your workplace
In the past, as well as in the present, your supervisor would be upset if the workbench was disorganised. You should only work on one project at a time on the workbench and focus solely on it. You'll gain mental clarity and positive strength from this focus. You should have more than one workbench if you work on two projects simultaneously.
This basic management principle called “The Way of Craftsmanship” is still followed and is doing well in many places in the business world. A crowded, cluttered workplace can lead to decreased productivity, dissatisfied workers, and frequent accidents.
However, in personal lives, people quickly abandon this idea. They might not have the same support as they have at work to keep their desk professionally organized. Using this principle in your personal life will have a huge impact on maintaining your positive thinking.
5. Identify your skills
At this stage, you have the desired outcome in front of you and you have explained the reason and the ultimate goal you want to achieve. Now you must ensure that you have the skills required to complete the work you have set to accomplish.
This simple assessment separates a skilled craftsperson from those who believe that they can achieve anything only through positive thoughts. This approach leads to failure most of the time. However, those who achieve the desired outcome by applying the acquired skills are rewarded with positive thoughts as a result of the skillful execution of their work. These are the people who can maintain positivity in their work.
6. Manage your tools
If you've ever tried to do something with your hands and wished you hadn't, you'll understand the importance of this tip. Tools can be tangible items you use when working on a particular project, whether it's a hammer or an app on your mobile. Tools can also be intangible things like a repetitive mental exercise or any "mental tool" used to boost your ability to focus.
When you're ready to start working on any project, ensure you know what tools to use and that you have practiced using them on the workbench before applying them to yourself.
Remember, your safety is the outcome you must envision before applying processes, tools, and techniques to change your life.
7. Adjust steps
Adjusting steps doesn't mean going slowly; it is the intentional control of your speed and energy stimulation. When you release your energy measuredly, you are more likely to complete the desired outcome and be positive. If you think that “speed” means “skill,” you greatly increase the chance of sloppy work, disappointment, and abandoning your project. Thereby, you will never achieve the desired outcome.
You Are the Creator of Your Life
Your life is in your hands, and you are the one who controls it. Will you allow chance encounters with fate and the forces of life to organise and shape it randomly? Will you follow your intuition and just do it, hoping to achieve your goal? Or are you going to turn yourself into a skilled craftsperson, change the course of your life, and bring innovation to it by using the skills you've learned, honing them over time, and turning them into a masterpiece?
It is your choice. It is a recipe that you must follow. To reach your desired goals, you must be positive first.
“Neither talent without instruction, nor instruction without talent can produce the perfect craftsman.” —Vitruvius, Architect and Engineer.
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