Many doctors, biologists, physiologists, and other scientists and specialists in the study of the human body say that they are in front of a sea that they have not yet crossed, except its shores.
Imagine another typical day in your life, where you wake up on the same date, do your usual morning routine, eat breakfast, and then receive a message from your mother.
Not a day, week, or even a month at the latest shall pass without hearing that someone has killed, stolen, armed-robbed a place, kidnapped a girl, arrested a drug trafficker, or committed other crimes that have left us in fear. .. more..
Our extensive society is made up of a variety of beliefs, customs, and traditions, some of which one may find real and others that another may consider outdated and that they are unable to adhere to.
An Impostor syndrome is a feeling that your accomplishments are insignificant, and that you have only got where you are because of luck or deceiving others; you feel distrustful about your work and achievements, and you are always .. more..
Are you sick and tired of wasting your mental and emotional energy worrying and thinking about some events in your life over and over again? Or of destroying yourself, your performance at work, and your relationships with others at times? .. more..
I recently gave a speech in San Antonio, and a few days later, two veteran professionals from the public contacted me to seek advice on a problem similar to what I talked about in my speech. The problem was that they both felt uncomfortable .. more..
You may start to worry directly on some days from the moment you wake up about all the things you must do and all the people you will see. You will be worried about the opinion of others about you, whether your family, friends, colleagues, or .. more..
When life is painful or out of our control, we want bad feelings to go away as quickly as possible and our situation to change and resolve that conflict. Still, we complain about it and blame others and heal our anger. .. more..
All of us experience occasional anger, though some more so than others. It's frequently beneficial to talk about everything going on inside of us, whether we're depressed over the loss of a loved one, enraged at friends or family, or .. more..