One might assert that they were raised without possessing any material belongings, indicating a childhood in a financially deprived environment. However, as they mature, their narrative may shift, expressing that they were brought up with very few material possessions due to the extreme scarcity of money.
Yet, they felt they had everything they needed. Another definition provided by the dictionary for abundance is: "an ample quantity of something."
When raised in abundance, individuals often exhibit these seven attributes:
- Smiling.
- Sense of humour.
- Care.
- Listening.
- Joy.
- Gratitude.
- Kindness.
These methods outline how we can manifest abundance in our lives, but for that abundance to truly matter, it must be shared with others.
Jenny Santi elucidates the concept of "giving" in her book The Giving Way to Happiness: Stories and Science Behind the Life-Changing Power of Giving with the following quote:
"There's a Chinese proverb that goes: If you want happiness for an hour, take a nap; if you want happiness for a day, go fishing; if you want happiness for a year, inherit a fortune; if you want happiness for a lifetime, help someone else."
7 Methods for Manifesting Abundance and Prosperity in Life
1. Smiling
The first way to demonstrate abundance is through smiling. An unknown author wrote in a brief article titled “Smile”, “Smiling doesn't cost anything, yet it gives a lot.”
If you've ever worked in a country where you don't speak the language, you'll quickly learn the power of a welcoming smile. It's a universal language in itself, allowing us to convey our happiness to anyone we meet.
Another author wrote: "A smile brings comfort to the weary, joy to the disheartened, and warmth to the saddened. It's nature's finest remedy for resolving issues." Hence, your smile could be the most cherished gift someone receives throughout the day.
Finally, as someone wisely noted: "A smile cannot be purchased, begged for, borrowed, or stolen; it holds no value unless freely given." Therefore, you hold the power to craft your smile and share it generously. Your smile can serve as an open invitation for others to connect.
2. Sense Of Humor
A good sense of humor often sparks smiles and laughter. In her article "Leading with Humor," Allison Beard noted that adults often lack laughter, contrasting it with children who laugh an average of 400 times a day, while adults over 35 laugh only about 15 times. Therefore, leveraging humour and laughter can help build connections between people and alleviate stress and tension.
3. Caring
Another way to demonstrate abundance is by showing genuine care and interest. Those who truly care are the ones abundant in spirit.
You might want to consider the perspectives of two different individuals regarding the concept of caring. John Maxwell, renowned for his works on leadership, once wrote: "People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care." This emphasises that showing genuine care for others is paramount. Albert Einstein echoed a similar sentiment, suggesting: "The only reason for our existence is to help others."
When you extend care to others, you're not only assisting them; studies have affirmed the belief of St. Francis of Assisi, "For it is in giving that we also receive."
Modern research confirms that when you care for another person, you experience or undergo the following:
- A sense of contentment.
- A feeling of accomplishment.
- Love and the building of strong relationships.
- A sense of worth and personal growth.
You have the choice to care or not. Those who do not care live isolated lives, while those who care about others live abundant lives.
4. Listening
You may have come across this proverb: "God gave us two ears and one mouth for a reason."
This adage can be interpreted in two ways:
- "Those who are overly proud have small ears." - Reverend Robert Schuller.
- "Be a good listener, as your ears won't lead you into trouble." - Frank Tyger.
Listening is a powerful way to show respect. When you attentively listen to others, you demonstrate your appreciation for them. It's also a means of actively engaging with others and showcasing abundance. So, reflect on the smartest individuals you know or the most effective leaders you've encountered, and consider their ability to listen. Often, this proves to be their most valuable trait.
John Wooden, the legendary basketball coach at UCLA, epitomises each of the seven qualities discussed in this article. He truly exemplified abundance in the world of basketball, with his team securing seven consecutive NCAA championships and clinching ten titles over twelve years under his leadership. Many basketball experts regard his record as unbeatable, let alone surpassable.
When meeting Wooden and the high school coach, if you're inclined to listen to what will be said or observe what will happen without drawing attention to yourself, and if you believe that speaking is more important than listening, you might assume that the high school coach is Wooden, and Wooden is the high school coach. The high school coach took the lead in the conversation, while Coach Wooden, arguably the greatest coach in American sports history, simply listened.
We acquire numerous lessons revolving around speaking throughout our schooling and university years, yet there's a noticeable absence of lessons on the art of listening. Coach Wooden could certainly impart such wisdom to them.
5. Joy
Identifying joy might seem elusive, but its presence is unmistakable once experienced. In his article "The Power of Joy," Thomas N. Hooper offers a profound perspective:
"We shouldn't rely on external circumstances to bring us joy; instead, we must proactively cultivate it, regardless of the situation. Joy holds incredible power to uplift any moment, and there are myriad ways to nurture it – whether through positive thoughts, kind gestures, a warm smile, or even a sprinkle of humour."
The good news is that, according to Hooper's definition, you can create joy and achieve it regardless of the circumstances.
Consider the remarkable case of Coach Jack Hermanski, whose life wasn't a picture of ease or happiness due to his battle with multiple sclerosis. Yet, he radiated vitality every day. Despite his condition, he dedicated himself to teaching students with special needs and served in ten different schools in his area. Additionally, he coached basketball as part of the university staff. Despite facing adversity, Coach Hermanski's spirit remained resilient, spreading joy to all those around him.
He possessed the remarkable ability to cultivate joy in his daily life, seeking it out eagerly. One Friday, Hermanski encountered one of his wheelchair-bound students, who expressed happiness because it was Friday. Hermanski then asked the boy if he had big plans for the weekend, to which the boy responded, "No, Coach Jack, I'm just happy because you come here on Fridays."
You might struggle to define joy, but in the company of Coach Jack, its essence becomes palpable. Could you endeavour to foster joy as Jack does? Doing so will alleviate some of life's burdens for those you encounter.
6. Gratitude
Are you grateful for all the blessings in your life? Expressing gratitude is a common way to showcase abundance. However, those truly abundant individuals go beyond mere expression—they embody gratitude in their actions and interactions, elevating it to a profound level. It's essential to remember this perspective as you go about your daily endeavours.
Once, a historian stated that the United States wasn't built by famous politicians or the country's wealthy elite but rather by ordinary and unknown individuals. Often, we overlook those who accomplish difficult tasks in any company or organisation, such as secretaries, production line workers, and truck drivers. Meanwhile, top executives receive gratitude and recognition for their contributions.
However, abundant individuals avoid these oversights. They prioritise expressing gratitude to those who receive little or no recognition at all. They make it a point to thank the unsung heroes.
Consider track athletes on the bench, often unnoticed. While the team may excel and the starting players receive praise, those on the sidelines contribute equally, yet their efforts often go unrecognised.
Former basketball coach Al McGuire once shared a profound insight: he never fretted over the players sitting on the bench. He believed that by the time they reached their forties, they would become vice presidents, presidents, and CEOs of companies.
These benchwarmers knew how to toil for modest glory. However, McGuire harboured concern for the star players when they hit their forties. At that juncture, he feared no one would extol their virtues, carry their bags, or affirm their greatness.
Are you dedicating enough time to express gratitude to these kinds of individuals?
7. Kindness
We may not all have wealth or fame nor receive accolades and compliments, but we can all embody kindness. Kindness is characterised by being friendly, generous, and empathetic. Here are some ways to practice kindness:
- Reach out to those in need and offer your support.
- Visit someone in the hospital when you know they could use some company.
- Send a handwritten note to congratulate someone who succeeds in your organisation.
- Refuse to engage in gossip when others around you indulge in it.
In his article "How the Power of Kindness Impacts Your Life and Others," Tony Fahkry highlights some profound quotes worth contemplating:
- "Do a little good wherever you are; it's those small acts of kindness that collectively make a world of difference." - Desmond Tutu.
- "Kindness is a language that the deaf can hear and the blind can see." - Mark Twain.
Remember the kindness you've experienced, and instead of dwelling on it, consider paying it forward to others.
In Conclusion
To summarise all that has been discussed in this article, simply remember the seven ways you can demonstrate abundance:
- Smile: Let your smile be an open invitation for connection.
- Sense of Humour: Use humour to unite people and alleviate tension.
- Interest: Demonstrate care and interest in others; it's what truly matters.
- Listening: Your willingness to listen speaks volumes.
- Joy: Embrace joy when you feel it; it's contagious.
- Gratitude: Be grateful, especially to those often overlooked.
- Kindness: Practice kindness; it's a universal language.
If you believe some of these qualities offer benefits, try focusing on one at a time for a week. Remember, the best things in life often take time to cultivate, and this is no exception.
Ultimately, you'll find yourself embodying abundance, experiencing fulfilment, and generously sharing those blessings with others.
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