All-time leaders, such as inventor and businessman Steve Jobs, programmer and businessman Bill Gates, and well-known economist Henry Ford, are like architects in that they have planned, designed, and supervised enormous leaps and transformations that have frequently given new meaning to how we work and interact with reality daily. As such, we can plan and design our own lives however we like.
Ways to Design and Build Your Life as You Like
Here are three ways to help you unleash your inner architect so you can design and plan your life the way you want to:
1. Embracing an Optimistic Futuristic Outlook
The most important secret to creating the life you want is to have a positive futuristic outlook and to have keen insight. Your optimistic outlook can literally be a plan for the future. Your capacity to lead the life you desire is contingent upon the future you envision for yourself, as any unique objective or remarkable endeavour frequently originates from your future vision.
We must avoid judging the future with our narrow vision and pessimistic thinking because our positive future vision motivates us, our optimistic outlook keeps us going, and it inspires patience and hope when things get hard, and hardships become very familiar to us.
It is very hard to make progress and move forward confidently in this life without knowing where we are heading. As the human development lecturer and powerful motivator Zig Ziglar often says, "If you aim at nothing, you will hit it every time."
Humans lack future vision and thinking for a variety of reasons; occasionally, the pain from our mistakes and past disappointments stops us from moving forward in this life. Therefore, in similar circumstances, we must remember that the challenges we encounter along the way give us the experience, insight, and knowledge we need to finish our journey.
After all, our ability to persist and be persistent in the face of adversity clearly indicates our adaptability and flexibility. We always have another chance to do things right. In other situations, self-satisfaction blinds us after our previous successes, but consider how much less advanced technology we would have if people had given up on research and development after creating the telephone or telegraph.
In our lives, many people dare to be creative and think outside the box, looking beyond current circumstances and innovations. These people have changed our future by increasing our optimism and improving our futuristic outlook on life.
"These inventors turn our common interests into a passionate goal filled with enthusiasm and a desire for change," states American author and businessman Seth Godin. You can still design and construct your life the way you want it to even if you are not artistically gifted. Initially, having a futuristic view of your life requires a dedication to learning and introspection.
Secondly, try to view your future from an entirely new perspective since it's rare that your typical goals and viewpoints will help you envision a prosperous future.
Thirdly, history frequently repeats itself, so it is a strange paradox that you can better predict the future by looking at the past and benefit from your experiences and knowledge of it. Therefore, you may use some of your past viewpoints and perspectives in shaping your desired future vision.
Fourthly, remember that success, prosperity, and wealth are not unachievable or difficult to achieve for you. Take inspiration for your future outlook from what you read, hear, and feel. Next, create a future plan that excites and motivates you.
Therefore, by consistently putting the preceding advice into practice, you will raise your level of optimism and future outlook to entirely new heights. Also, it provides you with a solid foundation on which to draw an honest and realistic future path map.
2. Constructing a Solid Structure and Foundations for Your Career and Personal Life
An additional fascinating facet of architects' work is their capacity to create or enhance order. In times of chaos, a skilled architect may be highly valued and admired for their ability to organise chaos and boost output while lowering stress levels.
On the other hand, chaos and a lack of commitment to order are extremely harmful because they squander our efforts and energies in vain. For example, consider how often you have been completely frustrated and your productivity at work has collapsed because you have misplaced your hard disk, lost your mobile phone, or lost one of your most important files.
The order concept extends to a person's lifestyle. An organised and coordinated life harmonises and aligns with your talents, abilities, personality, dreams, and the things you love and feel passionate about. Nobody else typically organises your life with such authentic harmony and alignment.
Realising who you are and living your life accordingly will help you align your actions and behaviours with your innermost desires and become deeply rooted in your character. According to the Italian inventor and artist Leonardo da Vinci, "Where the spirit does not work with the hand, there is no art."
Professional coach Dan Miller provides great guidance on structuring or producing your work in this manner. He suggests that you work 80% of the time when you are most motivated and energised, 15% of the time when you are in a learning phase, and only 5% of the time when you feel weak or unwell.
As a practical example of this, if you know that you become bored easily after learning something new, you should start a business or work in a position where your willingness to take on new challenges is a strength rather than a weakness.
Every one of us has a certain atmosphere where we work at our highest level and with our best intentions; it's an atmosphere where our differences are valued and respected rather than looked down upon. Therefore, you should search for the perfect workplace for you or design it yourself if you have not found it yet.
3. Monitoring and Supervising Development
Do not let your creative plans and aspirations go unimplemented. The architect has already undertaken a great deal of hard work by developing their own system and creating the future outlook.
Some claim that creative elements accounted for 85% of the prior process. Nevertheless, despite everything, planning and execution are still essential. Unexecuted great plans mean that exceptional talent and potential will never be realised or utilised, and design will never be fully appreciated.
For example, well-known businessmen Henry Ford and James Cash Penney had to construct the necessary teams and infrastructure before they could open Ford Motor Company and JCPenney stores, respectively.
An architect's job is to supervise the construction process and ensure their future vision is carried out. Supervisors and controllers understand that attracting and retaining the best employees, inspiring them to take on new challenges, and giving them the support and resources they need to realise their goals are often the key to productivity—or the lack of it.
The above applies to us personally in that we need to supervise and monitor our personal development continuously. Therefore, our plans and visions will remain only dreams and illusions if we do not accept responsibility for our work and take action toward them.
This frequently requires seeking help from others. You could work with a coach to dramatically boost your performance immediately, hire an accountant for your business or family finances to keep things financially stable or designate a partner to hold you responsible for your deeds when they contradict your words.
You are ultimately accountable for the result, regardless of the actions you take. After putting the first two steps into practice, you are now competent and confident, but what you do with this strength and confidence is vital.
In Conclusion
An architect can transform chaos into beauty or renovate a structure to bring it back to its original splendour. Therefore, a future plan can inspire hope despite your hardships and trials, teaching you order and organisation amid chaos and disruptions. Rely on your knowledge, sharp ideas, and rich experiences to ensure the safety and progress of your projects.
The takeaway from all of this is that you have a tremendous and significant power that allows you to design and build your life as you like.
However, with that power comes significant responsibilities. It is no longer acceptable to rely on past excuses and use them as justifications for not achieving anything. You already possess the elements of success and the tools required for greatness, but you need to consider whether you're prepared to make progress and fulfill your ambitions.
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