Articles on self-development, principles, success stories, and human development booksArticles on self-development, principles, success stories, and human development books
Decision making is the process of gathering relevant information in order to choose the best decision based on a range of available options. Good decision-making is a step-by-step approach that allows a person to constantly make better .. more..
As a manager, you deal with problems every day, and you may use your past experience, available information, and your team's experience to identify and implement the solution, and your response to problems is often quick and .. more..
Beneath every leader's ID badge is a hidden layer with a very important message. While some recognize and embrace this message, too many others have no idea it, or they know it but choose to ignore it. .. more..
For decades, developed countries have been seeking to include music learning in their academic programs. For example, in South Korea, Korean students are required to be able to play musical instruments to be accepted in any major at the .. more..
Time management is what determines the difference between a successful person and a failed person. The common characteristic of all successful people is managing and organizing their time and scheduling their work constantly. If you .. more..
You wake up every morning with a heavy thought just because you have to go to work, but have you ever thought that the reason you don't want to go to work or love it is the bad communication between you and your colleagues in the work .. more..
Goleman drew attention to the link between educational success and emotional and social competence in 1995, and he pointed out that emotional intelligence is more important than the average IQ for success in various areas of life, .. more..
Learning to think in the current era has become a necessary and right requirement for all students, and it is not restricted to students who have a high or good IQ; Rather, it includes even categories of students with low intelligence .. more..
I want to ask you a question: How many hours do you think during the day? You might answer, “I never thought about that.” This leads me to wonder. You think all the time, yet you never think about how much time you spend thinking, .. more..
When human rights activist Malcolm X was in prison, he discovered the power and influence of reading books. He was physically confined within the walls of his cell, but his mind was free, and he spent most of his six and a half years in prison .. more..