Most people these days experience depression, anxiety, sadness, or a lack of motivation. It's a normal part of life, but if we don't take real action, these feelings can linger and affect our relationships and work performance. .. more..
In the fast-paced rhythm of modern life, nervous pressure has become an ever-present companion throughout our journey. This reality amplifies our psychological burdens, leaving us ensnared by pressures that relentlessly strain .. more..
At the beginning of the pandemic, uncertainty in the labor market and lack of available jobs stopped employees from beginning their search for jobs, but now, although many Americans are still suffering from the economic impact of the .. more..
Failure is unavoidable and a necessary component of life's experiences. It can happen in several spheres of life, including obtaining personal objectives, fostering personal relationships, and in the professional field. However, .. more..
Adversity and crisis; What goes through your mind when you hear these words? Do you conjure up feelings of fear and anxiety, start to sweat, or do you want to run away?
Do you feel you are stuck in a certain area of your life and unsure what to do next? Your current situation is keeping you from reaching your goals, even though you have something you want to accomplish. Something in your life, work, .. more..
"Judge a man, not by his answers, but by his questions." The French writer Voltaire said. Everybody cares about the society they live in and will do anything to be accepted, so we place much importance on what other people think of us. .. more..
Even after you let go of the past, it remains a part of your identity. Each of us lives in the present and makes decisions based on a part of the past. This fact is inevitable, starting with your ability to read these words now. Your mind .. more..
One thing I'm pretty sure of is that the period between September 2008 and December 2009 was very difficult for us. In that seemingly short period of 15 months, Angel (my wife and partner on Mark and Angel's blog) lost her job, which has .. more..
Whether we plan to make a public speech, attend a birthday party, or whatever, our intentions tend toward success no matter what we seek, and no matter what success we seek, obstacles are likely to emerge that we must face. When these .. more..
Two thousand years ago in ancient Greece, the great philosopher Socrates was hiking around a public park when a neighbor approached him and said, "You will never believe, not in a million years, what I have just heard from one of our common .. more..