Even though it may sound absurd, we all think. Whether it's your happiness, sadness, joy, fears, or desires, every mood is a mental state. So both happiness and all the other states of mind are under your control.
If you change your state of mind, whether on purpose or not, it will eventually become your reality; otherwise, it may already be the case. You can change it by shifting your mindset. When he advised everyone to listen when they hear clichés, practitioner Shay Carl said on the Tim Ferriss show that it was probably true.
When people questioned Shay about how he had managed to lose weight, he responded that they should exercise and eat a healthy diet of vegetables. However, they weren't persuaded and told him to stop using platitudes. That's funny because it's the most efficient way for weight loss.
We'll generalize Shay's remarks. Consider what is being said when you hear cliches or repetitive advice because it probably contains great wisdom. Clichés only develop as a result of repeated use, which suggests they once held some degree of truth. The cliched advice still holds some truth even though it had changed from how it used to be, as a real secret becomes a fictional long story.
Clichés of happiness and success:
It's likely that when you read the phrase "happiness and success," you began to feel bored. Numerous articles discuss these two concepts, but they are both things that we can have and, of course, also lose. Therefore, if happiness and success are both states of mind, then achieving happiness and success requires achieving a particular state of mind. Sounds cliche, doesn't it? But clichés do exist.
It's also cliche to say that happiness and success are synonymous, which means that if you can achieve and maintain happiness, you are successful. Therefore, pursuing success is pursuing happiness.
If "success," in whatever sense that term applies to you, is the goal of life, then happiness—which we pursue through successful actions—is the ultimate goal of life. Say, for instance, that your definition of success is the number of good relationships you have. Therefore, spending a day with your mother and strengthening your bond with her makes you happy because you are fulfilling your definition of success.
Since relationships with other people are what make you happy, you concentrate on forming more relationships to keep yourself happy, which becomes and remains your top priority.
A successful state of mind:
We now know that your reality is a function of your mental state, and vice versa. We've also talked about how you have control over whether that reality is happy or sad. We've discussed the idea that happiness is the ultimate goal in life because happiness is the result of success, so happiness is the ultimate goal in life.
Finally, we came to the conclusion that happiness is a state of mind that can be attained. So, it makes sense to concentrate on changing your state of mind in an effort to achieve happiness if you want to be happy. If finding happiness is the key to success in life, how can we actively change our mental state in order to find happiness and then work to keep it?
Choose happiness:
You may think that this is the most clichéd advice, and it isn’t useful at all, but this is not true. As we mentioned, clichéd advice carries a lot of truth.
If you think about it, you can achieve happiness because it's a mental state. In other words, it is constantly present inside your head. Similar to how you already possess anything material, happiness is also yours. Discovering it is all that is required. Regular maintenance makes the material holdings brighter and extends its lifespan. Similar to how happiness develops over time and gains value, happiness also grows as you learn how to achieve it and realize that happiness is something you have always had inside of you.
Happiness is success and a choice. Success is happiness, and happiness is a choice. You have the ability to achieve your goals right now. You are free to feel as joyful as you like right now. All you have to do is practice thinking positively and looking for joy in the ordinary, small things. awestruck by the course of your life and the incredible things you've accomplished so far. awe at the countless opportunities in your promising future. You'll achieve success after that. You will then live a worthwhile life. that cliche was where it all began.
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