Academic failure is a complex topic affecting hundreds of thousands of students worldwide. Academic failure is not just a term; it is a challenge that most children and young people face at different stages of their education. .. more..
Failure is not something to look forward to, but the fear of it can sometimes be so solid that the desire to avoid it outweighs all the benefits of success. Without realizing it, people's fear of making mistakes at work ruins their .. more..
Failure is unavoidable and a necessary component of life's experiences. It can happen in several spheres of life, including obtaining personal objectives, fostering personal relationships, and in the professional field. However, .. more..
Failures are part of life. Heinz was started by a person who failed as a vegetable vendor. Even with ambitious plans and diligent labor, failure is still possible. Steve Jobs was once fired from Apple, the company he started. According to .. more..
If we ask an important question which is, "Is there a person in this world who likes to fail?" I think there is no reasonable person in this world who does not aspire to achieve success and stay away from failure, but is everyone successful? .. more..
Have you ever encountered a failure that ultimately proved beneficial? This is a question Tim Ferriss, author and host of “The Tim Ferriss Show” podcast, poses to each of his guests. They share a series of setbacks or .. more..
According to a study conducted by KPMG, 67% of high-performing female executives need more support to build self-confidence to feel that they can become leaders in their field, and this lack of confidence has led most of them to retreat .. more..
As you get older and more knowledgeable, you gradually learn more about your true personality and the goals you want to pursue, only to realize that you need to make some changes in your life and that the lifestyle you used to lead is no longer .. more..
Success is a term that varies from person to person. However, there are certain habits that can lead us towards success, while others may lead us towards failure. While many of us are aware of habits such as laziness and distraction that can .. more..
Building a new habit requires hard work. You start with the best intentions, make a plan, and try to prepare yourself for success. In the beginning everything is fine, you feel like you are on the top of the world, motivated, and achieving .. more..