Imagine a voracious man who lived a poor life, did not taste any delicious food or fruit, and accidentally sat at a king's table. He will undoubtedly eat with hunger, rush, and barbarism, indifferent to the needs of the other man at the .. more..
Most of us would agree that we need more compassion to help reduce human suffering in the world, but few would work to promote compassion where we spend most of our timeāthe workplace.
It was clear in 2021 that companies must innovate and change not only to survive but also for the sake of prosperity and development. Now that everything is questionable and the methods reused are ineffective, the concepts that were .. more..
Imagine possessing the essential elements to achieve your best performance and that of others. What would that look like? How would you feel? What is possible in your life?
Jaya, a senior leader at a well-known global finance company, has become so frustrated with her life that it seems like every day of work is a never-ending journey, full of stress and crises. What makes matters worse, work problems have .. more..
Many managers fear disagreements. They believe they are negative, cause problems in the team, and hurt people's feelings. Many managers avoid disagreements altogether instead of feeling uncomfortable and having difficult .. more..
Do you know of anyone who returns to their former self after being pressured? Or deal with challenging and strange situations and continue their life as if nothing ever happened? This is called emotional resilience. .. more..
Social intelligence or intelligent interaction with others (PQ) is about one's ability to deal with social situations and understand verbal and non-verbal communication. Those with a high level of social intelligence are skilled at .. more..
Emotional intelligence is just as important as savvy and erudition. Humans use their emotional intelligence to communicate with people, build relationships, and express emotions in a healthy way.
Educating the emotional intelligence of children in our world is as important as teaching literacy, math, and science. To prepare the future generation, we need to help the young people of the future understand their feelings and learn .. more..
Since the concept of emotional intelligence has become universal, you find a lot of professionals trying to improve their emotional intelligence because they do not know where to focus their efforts or because they misunderstand how to .. more..