4 Effective Ways to Control Anger

Anger is one of the basic and important human feelings, and there are many ways to express it and deal with it. In 1974, the writer Daniel Casriel proposed a way to treat feelings of anger and tension by venting and screaming. .. more..
clock icon 8 Minutes Anger Management    clock icon 12 March 2025

How Do You Calm Your Pent-up Anger?

Your boss may require you to work on a document even if your workday is over. Suddenly, you find yourself breaking out in tears or having difficulty catching your breath.
clock icon 11 Minutes Anger Management    clock icon 25 February 2025

How to Deal with Your Angry Child?

Why is your child angry and misbehaving? There are two parts to this question. "Why is your child angry?" and “Why is your child misbehaving?”
clock icon 7 Minutes Raising Children    clock icon 17 August 2024

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Develop emotional intelligence skills

Manage your emotions to make a positive impact in your life and career