Note: This article is taken from the writer Antonio Tourino, and he presents us with 3 steps to improve your life.
Me and my friends were called “the pygmies under the stairs.” I used to avoid eye contact with anyone passing by, but I always wanted more.
I've always wanted to be able to interact and converse with new people, to be like adored children, and to never be afraid of what I say or whether it sounds silly. It seemed to me as if others were always very confident in themselves and their abilities, and I wanted to be like them so badly.
After those days, I had the opportunity to work as a waiter and host parties all over Europe for 3 years. I spent the past few winters working in the Alps, skiing and meeting new people. I also spent the past few summers working, lounging, and partying on the beach. Anyone can do what I did just by changing their thoughts.
Traveling and working abroad might not be your cup of tea, but it does not matter. Whether you want to start your own company, build new relationships, apply for an important new job, or even just talk to a vendor in a store (which is something that used to terrify me), the following steps will help you.
3 Practical Steps to Change Your Life
1. Treat yourself well
How many times a day do you hear an inner voice telling you that you cannot achieve something or that you will look stupid? This same voice echoes in everyone's mind, always telling us that we are not good enough.
One saying goes, "Would your best friend still be your friend if you talked to them the way you talk to yourself?" If they would not still be your friend, this indicates that you speak poorly to yourself. So the first step is to start changing that voice in your head.
Every time you hear that negative voice, think about what your best friend, mom, or dad would say to you, and remind yourself of their encouraging words. Sometimes, you just have to believe that someone else believes in you.
2. Imagine a future as bright as possible
This does not mean that your dreams will come true just by dreaming. Instead, sit down, close your eyes, and imagine what you want to achieve in the future, visualizing all the small details, as this will motivate you greatly.
Think of it this way: What will make you feel hungry more? Thinking about a delicious, juicy sandwich you're going to eat for dinner that contains crunchy fresh lettuce, cheese, and fresh tomatoes stuffed between two slices of toast, or thinking about a regular sandwich? You'll have greater motivation and desire to accomplish your goals if you give them as much thought as you can.
3. Look at the bright side of things
There are hundreds or thousands of possible outcomes for every situation. So, which outcomes do you focus on the most? The negative ones or the positive ones? Even though it's easier said than done, stop constantly focusing on a bad outcome that might never happen and instead stay focused on good outcomes.
It is better to spend your time and energy thinking about positive outcomes rather than negative ones. It is a skill that takes time to develop, but this time will pass anyway. Do you want to spend the rest of your life thinking about negative things just because you are not ready to change your way of thinking?
In Conclusion
After all, you might sometimes feel that you are not good enough or that you cannot achieve something, which is totally okay. However, in these exact moments, you must get up and try to achieve that thing. You must prove to that inner voice that you are good enough and that you can achieve what you wish.
Even if you don't achieve what you want this time, you will be proud of yourself because you took the initiative, you were brave, you believed in yourself, and you seized the opportunity. If you do not succeed this time, you will certainly succeed next time. The poet John Milton said: “The mind is its own place and, in itself, can make a heaven of hell or a hell of heaven.”
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