How Do Emotionally Intelligent People Deal with Negative People?

Negative people defy logic. Some of them are unaware of their negative impact on those around them, while others seem to enjoy creating chaos and encouraging it in others. In both cases, negative personalities create unnecessary .. more..
clock icon 6 Minutes Emotional Intelligence    clock icon 3 January 2025

Ten Behaviors that Indicate Condescension

We all know what it feels like to be with people who don't make us feel good about ourselves. There are different types of people you don't like being around, such as pessimists, whiners, jealous people, and mean people, but when you walk .. more..
clock icon 7 Minutes Personality Styles    clock icon 10 August 2024

Toxic Positivity: Beware of Falling into This Trap

Life is not always rosy. As we experience difficult situations and moments, we are exposed to feelings of sadness, anxiety, fear, and frustration. We hear daily tips and instructions about positivity and its importance and necessity in .. more..
clock icon 7 Minutes Personal Development    clock icon 10 January 2023

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Develop emotional intelligence skills

Manage your emotions to make a positive impact in your life and career