The Importance of Vacation in Promoting Productivity and Reducing Stress

We charge our phones when they're dead and refill the tank when it's empty, but we shouldn't forget to do the same with our most precious possessions: our body and brain.
clock icon 4 Minutes Stress Management    clock icon 8 August 2024

24 Simple and Practical Ways to Eliminate Stress

We all experience stress at a certain point in our lives, whether it's from exam preparation, when we are stuck in traffic, worrying about bills to pay, or about a presentation -stress is natural in our lives. .. more..
clock icon 9 Minutes Stress Management    clock icon 25 July 2024

What is The Impact of Stress on Diabetes and How to Be Mitigated?

The process of treating diabetes lasts a lifetime, and this can increase the stress in your daily life. Stress can be a prime barrier to glucose control - hormones that stress causes to be released directly into your body can affect glucose .. more..
clock icon 5 Minutes Stress Management    clock icon 16 June 2024

Should You Vent Your Stress?

Most jobs tend to induce a certain level of stress. According to the American Institute of Stress, nearly half of all jobs, approximately 40%, are deemed stressful. While venting this stress with colleagues or friends is beneficial, .. more..
clock icon 6 Minutes Stress Management    clock icon 21 April 2024

3 Reasons Why Deep Breathing Is So Important

Do you hate being told, when you're nervous, to take a deep breath? It sounds cliché and annoying, but it can actually be helpful. We overlook the advantages of deep breathing, but it's crucial for three reasons, especially during .. more..
clock icon 4 Minutes Stress Management    clock icon 19 April 2024

Habits That Help You Deal Better with Stress and Panic Attacks

Finding healthy ways to cope without resorting to withdrawal, drinking, smoking, or other unhealthy mechanisms can be a formidable challenge when grappling with anxious thoughts.
clock icon 5 Minutes Stress Management    clock icon 9 July 2023

Stress Management and Health: How Can Sport and Diet Help You Face Performance Anxiety?

People frequently struggle with stress and anxiety in their daily lives, even in circumstances involving performance.
clock icon 5 Minutes Stress Management    clock icon 23 June 2023

Performance Anxiety and Stress Management: How to Be Better at Stressful Jobs?

The modern workplace, a dynamic environment where ambition meets challenges, is a breeding ground for stress and anxiety.
clock icon 5 Minutes Stress Management    clock icon 1 June 2023

How Stress Management Can Help You Cope with Change?

Although change is a normal aspect of life, it frequently comes with tension and anxiety. Change may be daunting and challenging to handle, whether it's a new job, a relocation to a new place, or a significant life event. .. more..
clock icon 5 Minutes Stress Management    clock icon 14 May 2023

Don't Sweat the Small Stuff and It's All Small Stuff - Richard Carlson

Stress and anxiety are widespread issues impacting millions of individuals in today's fast-paced environment.
clock icon 5 Minutes Stress Management    clock icon 12 May 2023

How to Manage Stress for Better Preparation Before Exams?

Examinations are a necessary component of student life, but for many people, they may also be a considerable cause of stress.
clock icon 5 Minutes Stress Management    clock icon 4 May 2023

How to Deal with a Relationship That Causes Stress?

Dealing with a relationship that causes stress can be challenging and overwhelming. Stressful relationships can take a toll on our emotional and physical well-being. Constant fights, bad communication, and a toxic environment are .. more..
clock icon 5 Minutes Relationships    clock icon 28 March 2023
Brainycore art

Develop emotional intelligence skills

Manage your emotions to make a positive impact in your life and career