Childhood is one of the most important distinctive stages in a person’s life. Building the child's proper personality requires special attention to raise a healthy child.
Studies confirm the importance of educating the child at an early age by introducing them to education centers for their age until the time comes for the child to enter school.
Educating the emotional intelligence of children in our world is as important as teaching literacy, math, and science. To prepare the future generation, we need to help the young people of the future understand their feelings and learn .. more..
Two people may not disagree on the importance of schools in human life. Instead, all scientific, technical, intellectual, and cultural development that we see before us has passed through these schools, as it is considered the first .. more..
Everyone, especially kids, has to learn how to control their anger since it is a crucial life skill. It can be difficult for kids to control their emotions and express themselves in healthy ways when they are angry. .. more..
Building a civilized society requires more than just instilling values and principles. Ziad Rayess emphasizes in his book "Shortcut for a Better Life,"the need for a strategy that includes practical experience and tools for real-life .. more..