In his incredible book "The Power of Habit", the American writer Charles Duhigg stresses the importance of establishing a basic habit that guarantees success in practice.
Someone might pray to God to grant them serenity saying, “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” .. more..
It’s not an exaggeration to say that the era in which we live today is one of the eras which have witnessed (and is still witnessing) the most tensions, conflicts, and psychological pressures to which man is exposed, in addition to .. more..
Change is inevitable. Progress is optional. You’re either going to move forward or move backwards. Either way, you are moving. So, why not take the opportunity to discover how to create the life you want? .. more..
A wise man once said, “Life is like a circle", and while I don’t know who that man was or even if this quote is real, I see it as logical. Life is cyclical like everything in this natural world. It always comes back to the center. .. more..
“Today is my forty-seventh birthday, and I’m rereading the suicide note I wrote on my twenty-seventh birthday, two minutes before my wife Carol came to my apartment to tell me she was pregnant; her words were the only reason I .. more..