How to Deal with Toxic Relationships?

"Gaslighting"  has been named word of the year for 2022 by Merriam-Webster. This term describes one of the key mental tricks that toxic people love to use.
clock icon 5 Minutes Relationships    clock icon 4 March 2023

What is Bullying? And How to Deal With it?

Bullying is maybe one of the most common types of physical and psychological harassment of our time. If you ask the students of any school if they have ever been bullied, 20% of them would say yes. And even though it’s one of the .. more..
clock icon 5 Minutes Family and Society    clock icon 20 February 2023

8 Signs That a Relationship is Emotionally Abusive

The worst thing you can expect from your partner is an abusive relationship. Physical abuse is bad and its results are visible to everyone. However, emotional abuse in a relationship is a hidden danger, often very destructive and .. more..
clock icon 12 Minutes Relationships    clock icon 2 February 2023

5 Habits that Help You Manage Rejection Tactfully

Many entrepreneurs, employers, and delegates are afraid of being rejected. If you're like most people, your first childhood memories are "You can't have a cake" or "You can't go out now." From a young age, we are taught to hold back, but if .. more..
clock icon 5 Minutes Relationships    clock icon 28 January 2023

7 Principles for Overcoming Fear of Loneliness

Are you afraid of being alone forever? It's possible that you're starting to see your friends getting together in long-term relationships, or you're just coming out of a relationship and don't know where to go from there. Maybe reaching a .. more..
clock icon 4 Minutes Friendship and Loneliness    clock icon 22 January 2023

Volunteering and Its Benefits

Why should we volunteer? It can be difficult to find time to volunteer in our busy lives. However, the benefits of volunteering can be enormous. Volunteering helps people in need, benefits society, and promotes meaningful issues. The .. more..
clock icon 10 Minutes Family and Society    clock icon 13 January 2023

7 Vital Rules For Understanding People

The title may seem exaggerated, and it's clear that nothing is more complex than human behavior. However, most people tend to trip over the same mistakes, and these mistakes are so frequent that they lead to conflicts later on. .. more..
clock icon 5 Minutes Family and Society    clock icon 12 January 2023

Tips for New fathers and How to Deal with Their New Baby

The arrival of a new baby adds feelings of joy and happiness to the family, especially when they are the first child in the family because children are the adornment of life, and one of the most beautiful things that can happen to a person is to .. more..
clock icon 8 Minutes Raising Children    clock icon 11 January 2023

11 Advice to Help You Become More Social

I was not a social person by nature, but I found a way to become a social person. There is no doubt that social people have better relationships, more opportunities, and more chances to assume leadership positions. .. more..
clock icon 10 Minutes Family and Society    clock icon 5 January 2023

7 Tips to Be More Social and Able to form Strong Relationships

Money, health, and productivity will not grant you satisfaction if you do not have friends. Therefore, social skills are crucial because you’re going to live all your successes and failures in practical life with and through .. more..
clock icon 6 Minutes Relationships    clock icon 4 January 2023

Emotional Attachment: Its Concept, Signs, and Ways to Get Rid of It

In some relationships, one person becomes too attached to the other, and they dissolve in their partner until they erase the limits of themselves and hide the features of their personality and independence. Some people may interpret .. more..
clock icon 8 Minutes Marriage Relationships    clock icon 30 December 2022

Sleep and Insomnia: The Dilemma of the Age in Adolescents

Sleep is the balm that calms and restores vitality after a long day. Sleep is closely related to the body's internal clock, which takes cues from external elements such as sunlight and temperature.
clock icon 4 Minutes Adolescence    clock icon 28 December 2022
Brainycore art

Develop emotional intelligence skills

Manage your emotions to make a positive impact in your life and career