Eight Things to Give Up for Peace:
1. Excuses, arguments, and old regrets:
You can't always choose the things that happen to you in your life, but you can always choose how you feel about them and how you act towards them. So don't let the things you did or didn't do in the past decide your fate; don't let regret control you or your life. Whether you chose to act differently or not, what happened in the past and how it ended have nothing to do with you today.
Get rid of the old things you regret starting and finish them; excuses are only used by those who have failed; a person only fails when they give up and do not gain anything from their past experiences. The main reason for their failure is getting used to those flimsy excuses and empty pretexts.
Think about it well, and you'll find that you rarely fail because of the things you do or execute; you fail because of the things you haven't done, the actions you leave unfinished, and the things you make excuses about for the rest of your life.
2. The overwhelming desire to have all answers and solutions:
Accept the feeling of not knowing your destination in life accurately, and train yourself to love and appreciate this sense of freedom. You can only push your wings to spread fully and flap, like a small bird, so you can only fly so far before you hang in midair with no apparent destination. Despite the freedom you experience, you can still be flying without knowing where you're going, but that doesn't matter; what matters is your ability to open your wings and fly freely in the air. You may not know your destination, but you're sure that as long as your wings extend in the air, the wind will always carry you forward to success.
3. False hope of a life free from aches and pains:
Pain is part of our lives and has several forms and degrees. There is a pain in hesitation or fear caused by progress in life, such as when graduating, taking the next step in your life, moving away from familiar and habitual things, and getting into the unknown. There is also severe and stinging pain caused by the challenges of the foundation phase of something in your life and the accompanying errors, experiences, and failures as you learn to move forward in the best possible way. And there is the great, confusing pain when life surprises you and you discover that everything you thought you knew well was wrong, consisting of deceit and lies, or that everything you planned for fails.
When you get what you aspire to, you will feel the aches of success; they are mysterious pains, but then you realize that it was not exactly what you envisioned. And then you feel the gentle, warm pain with a light tingle that you feel from time to time when you realize that you are experiencing a moment of perfection and beautiful idealism, like a precious moment that is invaluable for achievements and happiness, and that you know deep down that it cannot last, yet it will stay with you forever.
Pain is a good thing, although most people forget it, because it means that you are alive, breathing, trying, and dealing with the endless possibilities and potentials of this world. Pain is felt only by the living. Therefore, it merits being thoroughly recognized and dealt with while you still have the opportunity to do so.
4. Relationships and connections with insensitive or unsympathetic people:
It is very difficult to change people. Throughout your life, you will find people who make you angry, disrespect you, and treat you badly. So do not exhaust yourself and waste your energy trying to change them or gain their support and approval, and do not let feelings of hatred towards them infiltrate your heart. Simply step away and let divine justice take its course. Any moment you spend thinking about them will be wasted, and any feeling of hatred towards them in your heart will only hurt you.
5. Premonition or obsession with negative news:
With each news bulletin broadcasting life's gloom and injustice, thousands of other people work invisibly and tirelessly to make a positive difference and make a beautiful impact in this world. For every frustrating crisis reported with enthusiasm and eagerness, there are thousands of real and important success stories that don't get the attention they deserve but have enormous positive effects on humanity.
So, try not to be too preoccupied with negative news and bad events to the point of obsession. Learn from them and invest your knowledge and information to make your way with enthusiasm toward a brighter tomorrow. Life continues to improve and gets much better when you choose to make it so.
6. The belief that satisfaction and achievement lie in the result:
Satisfaction is not a matter of achieving a specific goal; rather, it is about enjoying the process and the steps required to achieve that goal with awareness and attention. Satisfaction and a sense of achievement stem from focusing your life on specific and honest intentions and goals and maintaining them through ideas and activities that truly fit your purpose in life. You will have enough means to fill your life with contentment and joy when your goals are clear, important, steady, and coherent, whether or not you ever fully achieve your desired goal. In other words, the right journey is the true destination.
7. Measuring your success in material wealth:
People are often bombarded with images of acquisitions and property that are ubiquitous, with evidence that they somehow elevate human value and success. So you need to think about how much your value and self-esteem are related to owning, giving, and earning acquisitions because success, happiness, reassurance, and a sense of conscience are not so much about acquisitions and objects. Indeed, what helps achieve them is:
- Laughing and Loving more honestly and faithfully.
- Respecting others, not criticizing them, and interfering in their own lives.
- Winning children's admiration, affection, and genuine, sincere smiles.
- Developing tolerance for the treachery and endurance of false friends, as well as respect among your honest colleagues.
- Appreciating the beauty around you, wherever you are and at all times.
- Finding the good in people and situations you are exposed to.
- Giving as much as you can to leave the world a little more beautiful and better place than you found it.
- Exploring passion, and ideas and singing with joy and pleasure in your loudest voice.
- Knowing that you have facilitated at least one person's life through your actions and presence in this world.
They are things that make your life successful and help you achieve happiness and reassurance.
8. The need to keep everything intact:
Our lives are constantly changing, the people around us are fickle, and the conditions we live in are not fixed. Life does not stop for any human being at all, but its days pass very quickly, and its conditions suddenly go from calm to chaos within seconds. This is what afflicts people every day, and it must happen to someone at this moment. Sometimes the shortest, quickest moment of time changes the direction of our entire lives, and a decision we make may change our lives and the lives of those around us. There are people whose lives have been turned upside down and changed completely—for better or worse—based on one unexpected event.
These changes occur most of the time when we do not ask for them or expect them. However, it happens anyway, but this does not mean that we are incapacitated, nor does it convey the expression of mere puppets controlled by external events. Those changes will inevitably happen, and nothing can be done about them, but what really matters is what we do after they happen, and we will find ourselves evolving, moving forward in our lives, and discovering our true selves.
In Conclusion:
When you find yourself at a point where crossing the line feels like it will fundamentally alter your life, don't fight it or hesitate; instead, start living a new chapter.
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