How Can Thoughts and Beliefs Stop You from Achieving Your Goals?

Our actions, behaviors, and emotions are all strongly influenced by the thoughts and beliefs we have.
clock icon 5 Minutes Success Principles    clock icon 10 May 2023

How to Set Your Personal Goals in 5 Steps?

Establishing personal goals is a crucial first step to success and personal development. It’s a daunting step that not many people take seriously because they think it’ll take care of itself. .. more..
clock icon 5 Minutes Setting Goals    clock icon 4 May 2023

A Lesson from the Past, with George

In his book "Shortcut for a Better Life," Ziad Rayess shares his experience of participating in international trade shows in France, Germany, and Dubai more than 25 years ago.
clock icon 3 Minutes Success Skills    clock icon 1 May 2023

The Salmon’s Journey

The author of "Shortcut for a Better Life", Ziad Rayess, talks about his struggles in reaching out to the younger generation and inspiring them with his writings and lectures. Despite years of effort, he found that only a small percentage .. more..
clock icon 2 Minutes Life Lessons    clock icon 30 April 2023

Before You Miss the Train

Everybody has a different life goal, be it accumulating wealth or staying physically fit. However, one of the most crucial tasks for an individual is to maintain their faith and contribute towards building a better world. This article .. more..
clock icon 4 Minutes Personal Development    clock icon 10 April 2023

Brainycore art

Develop emotional intelligence skills

Manage your emotions to make a positive impact in your life and career