Note: This article is taken from the blog "Tehya Sky", in which she talks about 3 tips that lead us to spirituality.
Everything that pushes us away from our spirituality or our desires has one thing in common: the belief that spirituality categorizes us. Therefore, this belief leads to the implication that certain people and things are spiritual and others are not. The more strongly we hold onto this belief, the more we use it as an excuse for not going deeper into our spirituality and living a fuller life.
True spirituality lies in the daily lifestyle, like eating pizza, watching TV, arguing, meditating, being with friends, and communicating with love.
We are in an intimate union and following the flow of a life that can only be spiritual when we are fully present with these moments and give them the value they deserve—that is when we have the willingness to learn, grow, take responsibility, and always come back to love.
Spiritual experiences are not always happy, of course. Let us be clear; there is meaning to these experiences, which range from tears to glory, and we can draw benefits from them when we are present and accountable for ourselves.
Steps to Stop Making Excuses and Start Getting Spiritual
1. Be Present
We spend most of our time thinking about the past, the future, or anything except the now. However, we can only be fully present when we give our entire attention to the current moment. We keep the much-needed clarity in our lives when we use the everyday moments as a chance to ground and assert ourselves.
Try sipping your coffee slowly in the morning and savoring its flavor and temperature, for example. Breathe deeply in between each sip. You can use this technique at any time in your life to sense your presence through your body.
2. Confront Your Thoughts
We all have a lot of ideas about almost everything, but these ideas frequently cloud our perception of what is actually happening at the present. You may be constrained by a particular belief, such as the idea that working long hours every day is necessary for success or that it is improper for you to be open about how you are feeling. This will force you to give up some of your needs, and then be brave enough to confront these beliefs.
Have the courage to consider the possibility that your belief is incorrect and what might occur if you let go of it. Permit yourself to enjoy the present and to be open to what makes you happy and advances you.
3. Examine Your Vulnerability
All humans are inherently vulnerable, from the most rigid CEO to the most delicate child. We feel cut off from our essence and life's kindness when we reject and deny our vulnerability. First of all, acknowledge your vulnerability.
As soon as we embrace our vulnerability, we set out to explore its hidden depths. For example, you might find that your partner is reopening a childhood wound of abandonment if you're upset because they went out with their friends.
This realization will allow you to release past hurts, or you might realize that your rage is a result of your desire to spend more time with your partner. Acknowledging this will allow you to let it out in a constructive manner.
The point is that we can only fully understand our vulnerability when we acknowledge it. Also, doing so always enables us to delve deeper into our true selves and the energy that enables us to lead fulfilling lives.
In Conclusion
rejoice. Everything is spiritual, including us. This implies that we have unlimited opportunities to engage with life in ways that fulfill us.
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