5 Steps to Help You Benefit from Reading Books

One day someone asked me, “How can you retain more information from the books you read?” I liked that question because I wasn't fond of reading as I grew up.
clock icon 4 Minutes Accelerated Reading    clock icon 18 September 2024

5 Reading Strategies for Those Short on Time

Nowadays, the most common complaint we hear is that people don't have enough time, especially when talking about reading, ignoring the benefits of this hobby and knowing that maintaining it is not easy. Even avid readers face their share .. more..
clock icon 2 Minutes Time Management    clock icon 17 September 2024

5 Books Motivate You and Give a Different Perspective

When businessman Warren Buffet was asked to reveal the secret he used to build a business empire, he once replied, “I read 500 pages every day, that's how you get to know all the time. You can all do it, but I'm sure not many of you .. more..
clock icon 4 Minutes Motivation    clock icon 25 August 2024

Brainycore art

Develop emotional intelligence skills

Manage your emotions to make a positive impact in your life and career