Success Skills

Articles on self-development, principles, success stories, and human development booksArticles on self-development, principles, success stories, and human development books

The Essence of the Self and Its Levels: Has It Changed With the Change of Times?

Sarah is shy and polite and loves to read books. Noor is open-minded and loves meeting new people but can't handle stress well. John is a bit lazy but creative and open to every adventure his friends suggest. Sarah, Noor and John have .. more..
clock icon 6 Minutes Self    clock icon 11 January 2023

5 Scientific Steps to Excellence in Examinations

In the following, I would like to outline simple strategies you can use to pass any upcoming exam. Although they are strategies of my brainchild, they are based on cognitive science. In particular, I will look at five key ideas from .. more..
clock icon 5 Minutes Academic Excellence    clock icon 11 January 2023

Toxic Positivity: Beware of Falling into This Trap

Life is not always rosy. As we experience difficult situations and moments, we are exposed to feelings of sadness, anxiety, fear, and frustration. We hear daily tips and instructions about positivity and its importance and necessity in .. more..
clock icon 7 Minutes Personal Development    clock icon 10 January 2023

Florence Nightingale Pioneer of Modern Nursing

Nursing is the duty that shares medicine in the path of humanity and helping the sick and the needy. It is the science and art of applying treatment, promoting health, and following up the stages of treatment for each patient. Without it, .. more..
clock icon 7 Minutes Success Stories    clock icon 10 January 2023

Beethoven: The Legend of the Middle Ages

Beethoven is the last of the classical musicians and the vanguard of the romantics. Beethoven lived a difficult, harsh life, and despite his deafness, he refused to have his name in the last lines, rather, he strived for his name to be at the .. more..
clock icon 7 Minutes Success Stories    clock icon 10 January 2023

20 Tips for Dealing with Difficult People

While my wife, Angel, and I were enjoying a backyard barbecue at our friend Sarah's house, a 16-year-old boy that she was raising at her home, named Cody, received an unexpected visit from his real mother. She was a woman who has been in and .. more..
clock icon 5 Minutes Personality Styles    clock icon 9 January 2023

8 Tips to Improve your Virtual Training Experience

Due to the pandemic, many training facilitators had to make some changes to their training, and during the pre-pandemic period, many of us taught a full schedule of instructor-led courses. However, because of lockdowns and .. more..
clock icon 4 Minutes Education and Training    clock icon 8 January 2023

Emotional Control: Three Obstacles that Prevent You from Mastering This Skill

Imagine that you are walking on stage in a large hall with thousands of people, your task is to draw the audience's attention with your presence, and you are making your way to the microphone.
clock icon 7 Minutes Emotional Intelligence    clock icon 8 January 2023

Cooperative Learning and Its Importance and Elements

The educational process has evolved greatly over the past years, and certainly this development has been accompanied by an evolution in strategies, techniques, and methods of education, and cooperative learning is only one of these .. more..
clock icon 8 Minutes Continuous Learnin    clock icon 8 January 2023

15 Tips to Increase Your Ability to Learn

You can learn in a faster, better, and easier way through the tips that we will mention in this article that will help you get the most out of learning, and you will be able to learn anything in a more effective way, but let's start first by .. more..
clock icon 12 Minutes Continuous Learnin    clock icon 7 January 2023

6 Steps to Total Emotional Mastery That Will Change Your Life

We’ve all had situations where our emotions got the best of us, whether we’re setting in traffic, dealing with a difficult co-worker, or arguing with a family member. Often it’s because we didn’t realise what .. more..
clock icon 5 Minutes Emotional Intelligence    clock icon 7 January 2023

The Skill Of Self-Reliance: Its Importance And How To Develop It?

It is true that man is a social being by nature, who derives much of his strength from others, but this does not mean that he should depend on their presence with him at every step of his life. The correct behavioral development of any person .. more..
clock icon 7 Minutes Self-confidence    clock icon 6 January 2023
Brainycore art

Develop emotional intelligence skills

Manage your emotions to make a positive impact in your life and career