Black-and-white thinking is a tendency to think of extremists as “I'm very successful,” “I'm a total failure,” “My friend is an angel,” “They are the devil incarnate,” “The .. more..
Some people are skilled in their personal and professional lives, and the ability to influence others through speech or body language is one of the most crucial skills. Therefore, keep reading the article to find out how your speaking .. more..
Throughout their life, regardless of their age, work, or residency, people think about reaching happiness and success and achieving their goals and desires.
Does it seem like there aren't enough hours in the day? Do you find yourself having to change course all the time to balance competing demands and priorities?
Or is your life balanced? The majority of people likely report feeling .. more..
Every task in our lives, from cooking a basic meal or planning a get-together with friends to preparing for finals or starting a new project, no matter how big or small, requires careful and continuous planning. We often face major .. more..
We have been working on design thinking at the Stanford School of Design and the Stanford School of Engineering for more than 50 years. It's an innovation methodology that works for services, products, and experiences, like making a .. more..
Persuasion is one of the most critical tools and skills that a sharp salesperson and successful marketer must possess. It's an art; mastering its many tricks will eventually help you close the sale and sell your product. .. more..
One of the most common problems facing human societies in general, and Arab societies in particular, is intellectual extremism, despite the different religions and beliefs of those societies.
Limited thinking is a thought pattern that restricts people from seeing things clearly or accepting different opinions. It is characterized by bias, prejudice, and clinging to previous beliefs without analyzing or reviewing them. In .. more..
Having critical thinking skills in employees is one of the most crucial components of their success and professional growth. As a result, all organizations and businesses seek to choose workers with these skills and apply them in their .. more..
Savant Syndrome is an extraordinary condition characterised by exceptional abilities coexisting with developmental disorders, such as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) or other intellectual disabilities.