How Do You Change Your Habits?

The Greek poet Archilochus said: “We do not live up to our expectations. We fall back to the level of our training.” From another perspective, you don't live up to your goals, but you fall back into your habits. .. more..
clock icon 5 Minutes Personal Development    clock icon 26 December 2022

10 Simple Habits That Make Big Profits

Don't worry about the way you will change. Instead, focus on the habits that you want to form and follow in your life, and why you do so.
clock icon 6 Minutes Personal Development    clock icon 25 December 2022

How Do You Impose Your Personality on Those Around You and Employ Your Vocal Skills?

Talking to others without them listening to you is a very miserable thing, and it can lead to frustration, a sense of weakness and lack of value, but the causes of this situation are often subject to our control in one way or another. On the .. more..
clock icon 6 Minutes Personal Development    clock icon 24 December 2022

How Do You Stop Being So Distracted?

There is an idea in Eastern and Western philosophy that we should learn how to enjoy the present moment without getting distracted by thinking about the past or the future. Since the invention of words, the human race has been completely .. more..
clock icon 4 Minutes Personal Development    clock icon 18 December 2022

11 Bad Habits You Should Quit

The reason I study productivity is that I am a very unproductive person. I sleep a lot, talk a lot, I read a lot, listen to music all day, and watch movies. Without my productivity system, I wouldn't do anything, and I wouldn't even write this .. more..
clock icon 4 Minutes Personal Development    clock icon 18 December 2022

How do Successful People Motivate Themselves?

While I was sitting watching the series and after finishing the first episode, I started the next one, so I decided to watch it and postpone my work for a later time. Of course, when the episode ended, I was curious to know the next events and .. more..
clock icon 3 Minutes Motivation    clock icon 14 December 2022

3 Steps to Know the Next Step to Take

Getting started with anything is really easy. Anyone can become a writer, designer, illustrator, entrepreneur, or whatever they want, but only a few people continue what they started. For example, most people want to start a business, .. more..
clock icon 3 Minutes Personal Planning    clock icon 13 December 2022

Brainycore art

Develop emotional intelligence skills

Manage your emotions to make a positive impact in your life and career