Anticipatory Grief: Concept, Signs, And How To Deal With It?

God Almighty has distinguished man with many feelings that take different forms and appear on man’s features in many cases. The most prominent of which are feelings of love that manifest in family relationships, friendships, and .. more..
clock icon 8 Minutes Happiness    clock icon 24 January 2023

5 Areas You Must Improve in Order to Live a Happy Life

We've all felt at some point that our lives are out of control. It's a strange feeling when you wake up in the morning and something seems to be wrong, but it's almost impossible to pinpoint what it is. You find yourself thinking about .. more..
clock icon 7 Minutes Happiness    clock icon 21 January 2023

How Can We Achieve Success and Happiness by Changing our State of Mind?

You must have been told that happiness is a state of mind and that you have the power to alter your circumstances, but you mocked whoever told you that before returning to your unhappy disposition and pessimistic outlook. .. more..
clock icon 3 Minutes Mental Health    clock icon 19 January 2023

The Importance of balancing the past, the present and the future

Is it the material things that matter in life or the experiences they bring? Life is said to be fickle. Different things happen, so we react, then more things happen, and we interact again. Or we may interact first, and then things happen .. more..
clock icon 5 Minutes Life Lessons    clock icon 17 January 2023

Noise Pollution: Its Causes, Types, Effects, and Solutions

What's the concept of noise pollution? What are its types and causes? and what are the most important solutions that help reduce or limit it? This is the focus of our discussion in this article, dear readers. So, tune in with us. .. more..
clock icon 5 Minutes Environment    clock icon 13 January 2023

5 Tips to Deal with Obstacles

When it comes to scheduling daily events, I did not have a calendar. Instead, I trusted Google Calendar to see if I had any events scheduled for the day or not. When it reminded me that I had no events scheduled, I felt comfortable, and each day .. more..
clock icon 4 Minutes Life Lessons    clock icon 2 January 2023

How Does a Basic Habit Radically Change Your Life?

In his incredible book "The Power of Habit", the American writer Charles Duhigg stresses the importance of establishing a basic habit that guarantees success in practice.
clock icon 6 Minutes Lifestyle    clock icon 25 December 2022

What Do You Have to Do to Make a Difference in Your Life?

Someone might pray to God to grant them serenity saying, “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” .. more..
clock icon 3 Minutes Life Lessons    clock icon 24 December 2022

Fear Of The Future: Causes And Treatment

It’s not an exaggeration to say that the era in which we live today is one of the eras which have witnessed (and is still witnessing) the most tensions, conflicts, and psychological pressures to which man is exposed, in addition to .. more..
clock icon 7 Minutes Life Lessons    clock icon 11 December 2022

5 Steps to Create The Life You Want

Change is inevitable. Progress is optional. You’re either going to move forward or move backwards. Either way, you are moving. So, why not take  the opportunity to discover how to create the life you want? .. more..
clock icon 4 Minutes Lifestyle    clock icon 11 December 2022

Every Experience is Worth Going Through

Do you feel motivated to experience life to the fullest extent possible? Do  you feel you need to do more in life?
clock icon 3 Minutes Lifestyle    clock icon 9 December 2022

9 Advice to Let Go of the Past

What is the reason that makes us cling to the past? And why is it hard for us to let go of our past experiences that caused us pain and suffering?
clock icon 10 Minutes Life Lessons    clock icon 6 December 2022
Brainycore art

Develop emotional intelligence skills

Manage your emotions to make a positive impact in your life and career