Why Is It Important to Teach Students How to Overcome Obstacles?

In life, obstacles are inevitable. Everyone faces them at some point, and they come in different shapes and sizes.
clock icon 5 Minutes Life Lessons    clock icon 1 April 2023

Communication Skills in Teaching

Communication skills and knowledge are usually considered to be the two most important components of a successful teaching career. Thus, teachers must be able to communicate effectively in the classroom using all forms of .. more..
clock icon 5 Minutes Communication Skills    clock icon 18 March 2023

Scientific Research Ethics and the Qualities That the Researcher Should Possess

Scientific research is one of the most important tools for the progress and development of countries in all fields. Therefore, developed countries today are very interested in scientific research, and have entered into a ruthless race .. more..
clock icon 8 Minutes Education and Training    clock icon 10 December 2022

Emotional Intelligence in Education

Goleman drew attention to the link between educational success and emotional and social competence in 1995, and he pointed out that emotional intelligence is more important than the average IQ for success in various areas of life, .. more..
clock icon 15 Minutes Emotional Intelligence    clock icon 26 November 2022

Reciprocal learning is an Important Method of Teaching

Learning to think in the current era has become a necessary and right requirement for all students, and it is not restricted to students who have a high or good IQ; Rather, it includes even categories of students with low intelligence .. more..
clock icon 6 Minutes Education    clock icon 26 November 2022

Brainycore art

Develop emotional intelligence skills

Manage your emotions to make a positive impact in your life and career