How Do You Avoid Depression Caused by Work?

If you feel depressed at work, you're not alone. Sadness, anxiety, loss of motivation, difficulty concentrating, unexplained crying spells, and boredom are just a tiny sample of the things you might feel if you have symptoms of .. more..
clock icon 8 Minutes Frustration and Depression    clock icon 16 January 2025

3 Doubts You Should Eliminate

Accept that you won't always find the best solution, but taking action will be better than not doing your job.
clock icon 4 Minutes Life Lessons    clock icon 29 July 2024

Why is It Important to Practice Self-compassion to Overcome Rumination?

One of my patients says, “I can't do it right; I know I'm going to fail, and I can never do it right.” These harsh, self-directed thoughts that go along with them all the time provoke their inability to satisfy simple desires, .. more..
clock icon 4 Minutes Positive Thinking    clock icon 16 July 2024

Techniques to Fight Performance Anxiety

We all get tripped up in high-risk, high-reward situations. The adrenaline rush overwhelms us, and many times we end up making mistakes and embarrassing ourselves, which complicates things further.
clock icon 5 Minutes Mental Health    clock icon 14 April 2023

Is It Time to Rethink the Use of Antidepressants?

Recently there have been many psychological disorders which may be called "lifestyle" diseases which are what used to be called shyness, sadness, insomnia, excessive shopping, high sex drive, low sex drive, etc. They are increasingly .. more..
clock icon 6 Minutes Frustration and Depression    clock icon 26 January 2023

The Bright Sides of Depression: Its Benefits and Its Relationship to Social Media

Depression may be one of the worst kind of pain that any human being on earth can experience, and it outweighs any other pain or soreness. The reason for this is that depression destroys a person from the inside, and the place of its attack is .. more..
clock icon 6 Minutes Frustration and Depression    clock icon 14 January 2023

7 Facts About Depression and Psychological Pain Caused by Trauma You Need to Know

Psychological pain is often more severe and harder than physical pain. Based on my experience, I know well that one of the most severe psychological pain is depression and traumatic pain.
clock icon 12 Minutes Frustration and Depression    clock icon 27 December 2022

How to Treat Depression Without Medication?

There is no doubt that the rapid and enormous technological development and the increasing responsibilities of life due to the great change in the way of life have caused many psychological and physical stresses for the human, and the .. more..
clock icon 2 Minutes Frustration and Depression    clock icon 25 December 2022

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Develop emotional intelligence skills

Manage your emotions to make a positive impact in your life and career