The communication and transmission of information through body language are called "non-verbal communication." In this article, we will introduce you to the forms of non-verbal communication and skills, so follow us in the next few .. more..
Jaya, a senior leader at a well-known global finance company, has become so frustrated with her life that it seems like every day of work is a never-ending journey, full of stress and crises. What makes matters worse, work problems have .. more..
Many managers fear disagreements. They believe they are negative, cause problems in the team, and hurt people's feelings. Many managers avoid disagreements altogether instead of feeling uncomfortable and having difficult .. more..
It is very hard to live in a world of uncertainty. Humans long to obtain information about the future as a way to satisfy their basic needs. Our brains perceive ambiguity as a threat and try to protect us by reducing our focus on anything other .. more..
When I was fifteen years old, I enrolled in an English language program in the remote American state of Iowa. Being raised in France and Switzerland, I had little to no knowledge of the English language. In Iowa, I couldn't understand what .. more..
Social intelligence or intelligent interaction with others (PQ) is about one's ability to deal with social situations and understand verbal and non-verbal communication. Those with a high level of social intelligence are skilled at .. more..
Effective communication between members of the workforce can develop companies, whether small or large. Regardless of your field, your company not only needs good communication, but it is also effective. .. more..
The way we communicate, to a large extent, determines what we experience in life. It affects how much money we make, every relationship we have, and the direction of our careers.
In 2020, I went from giving about 75 lectures a year to zero. Where gatherings and conferences were prohibited due to the Coronavirus pandemic, my entire work revolved around talking personally to people. .. more..
Human society is distinguished from other societies in that it depends on the language in its dealings, so imagine that you can get what you want through a few words.