Success Stories

Articles on success stories of the great and famous

The Master of Gravity: Read the Full Story of the Iconic Isaac Newton

Today’s story is about a man that we have all known or heard about ever since we were kids. His dedication and hard work have changed the world and given us a set of rules to live by. Let’s talk about the phenomenal Isaac Newton. .. more..
clock icon 6 Minutes Success Stories    clock icon 23 February 2023

The Calm Before the Storm: Read the Influential Story of Soichiro Honda

Many of us go through a lot of hardships in life. Some of us get out of it alive, some of us don’t, but some turn it into a glorious story. Today, we are going to discuss the inspirational success story of Soichiro Honda who moved from .. more..
clock icon 5 Minutes Success Stories    clock icon 23 February 2023

The Poor Kid That Turned Into a CEO: The Inspiring Story of Brian Tracy

From a poor kid who dropped out of school to the president and CEO of three multi-million dollar companies who inspire and motivate millions of people. Brian Tracy has traveled and worked in more than 80 countries and across 6 continents in .. more..
clock icon 4 Minutes Success Stories    clock icon 22 February 2023

Hey, Google, Who’s Larry Page?

When I try to think of an inspirational success story, I can’t help but think of Larry Page and his rise to the status he’s at right now. A dedicated genuine and smart person who dreams big and knows how to hustle his way to where he .. more..
clock icon 4 Minutes Success Stories    clock icon 22 February 2023

The Miracle Maker ‘Larry Ellison’

Today’s success story is all about fighting against bad conditions and striving for a single goal, which is to succeed. Let’s dive into the inspirational story of the miracle maker ‘Larry Ellison’. .. more..
clock icon 4 Minutes Success Stories    clock icon 22 February 2023

Meet the Man Behind Your Favorite App "Mark Zuckerberg"

Today’s story is about a man who changed the form of communication as we used to know it. He created something out of nothing just for fun, and it turned his life around for the best. Allow me to introduce you to Mark Zuckerberg. .. more..
clock icon 5 Minutes Success Stories    clock icon 21 February 2023

Perseverance is Key: Allow Jeff Bezos to Demonstrate

Sometimes, the faintest idea can hold an eternity of growth. That’s what Jeff Bezos taught us through the years. He had a vision, he believed in it with all he got, and now he’s among the richest people in the world. Let’s .. more..
clock icon 4 Minutes Success Stories    clock icon 21 February 2023

Florence Nightingale Pioneer of Modern Nursing

Nursing is the duty that shares medicine in the path of humanity and helping the sick and the needy. It is the science and art of applying treatment, promoting health, and following up the stages of treatment for each patient. Without it, .. more..
clock icon 7 Minutes Success Stories    clock icon 10 January 2023

Beethoven: The Legend of the Middle Ages

Beethoven is the last of the classical musicians and the vanguard of the romantics. Beethoven lived a difficult, harsh life, and despite his deafness, he refused to have his name in the last lines, rather, he strived for his name to be at the .. more..
clock icon 7 Minutes Success Stories    clock icon 10 January 2023
Brainycore art

Develop emotional intelligence skills

Manage your emotions to make a positive impact in your life and career