Success Principles

Basic success principles and skills

Inspiration: Its Definition and Characteristics, and Who Are the Most Prominent Inspirers

Every hardworking person needs a source of inspiration that walks in their footsteps and gets enlightened by them on the path and ideas. Inspiration is the dose of vitamin that nourishes our mind, sharpens our motivation, straightens .. more..
clock icon 8 Minutes Inspiration    clock icon 12 January 2023

Increase Success Rate Using Quantum Rails Theory

The probability of success measures the likelihood that the result you want to achieve will occur, or more accurately, it measures the chance of living a reality in which this result occurs. For example, if you bet on heads and toss a coin .. more..
clock icon 7 Minutes Success Principles    clock icon 6 January 2023

How to Improve Your Critical Thinking?

The ability to think critically is an essential skill, which means you have to dig deep into what everyone is saying and check the words or thoughts to see if they are real or not.
clock icon 6 Minutes Intelligence and Thinking    clock icon 6 January 2023

Learning Through Failure

When you start working on your idea, you'll feel how amazing it is, fall in love with it, and ask yourself why nobody started this thing before you.
clock icon 4 Minutes Success Principles    clock icon 3 January 2023

8 Steps to Motivate Yourself to Succeed

If you ask people about the way to motivate yourself, you will get several answers. Some are based on science and others on intuition. So, we present to you the following ways to motivate yourself to succeed in 8 main steps. .. more..
clock icon 10 Minutes Success Principles    clock icon 2 January 2023

The Concept of Success and Ways to Reach It

The concept of success is a concept that accompanies people throughout their lives, and they always seek it. It means a lot to them since the beginning of the education stage, their success in their classes, and gaining high marks to .. more..
clock icon 8 Minutes Success Principles    clock icon 29 December 2022

How to Overcome the Fear of Responsibility and Get More Success in Your Life?

We all stop at some point on our steps forward and settle down and don't seek to challenge the status quo, and all is well until something strange happens. Your inner drive wakes up, and you realise that you have stopped growing, and that the .. more..
clock icon 6 Minutes Success Principles    clock icon 23 December 2022

Why Can Some of the Smartest People Get So Stupid?

Several years before his death in exile due to Nazi charges, the Austrian novelist Robert Musil gave a lecture in Vienna on "stupidity", the idea of ​​which was that stupidity is not just "folly", nor a lack of understanding. .. more..
clock icon 4 Minutes Intelligence and Thinking    clock icon 21 December 2022

3 Steps to Instilling New Ideas in Others and Affecting Their Lives

Imagine for a moment that you inhabit someone else's mind, or live inside their dreams. Also, you are free to shape their reality as you see fit and to direct the course of their life by changing the thoughts in their subconscious mind that .. more..
clock icon 5 Minutes Intelligence and Thinking    clock icon 12 December 2022

Relying On Confidence To Achieve Success Rather Than The Opinions Of Others

Do you need people to support your goals to be successful? of course not. Confidence is more important than the impressions of others around you, and given that I’m somewhat young for a personal development writer, I think a lot of .. more..
clock icon 4 Minutes Success Principles    clock icon 12 December 2022

How Can You Achieve Success Without Any Sacrifice?

The definition of success varies from person to person, but what is not disputed by two is that achieving success is not easy. Even with a simple definition that determines a person's success by being able to live life the way they want, .. more..
clock icon 4 Minutes Success Skills    clock icon 7 December 2022

The Sixth Sense between Truth and Illusion

Human's sixth sense of danger, which some scientists have rejected as a myth, is actually found in a part of the brain that also deals with conflict resolution.
clock icon 2 Minutes Intelligence and Thinking    clock icon 5 December 2022
Brainycore art

Develop emotional intelligence skills

Manage your emotions to make a positive impact in your life and career