Failure is a harsh and painful feeling, and only those who have experienced it know its bitterness. It feels like hitting the ground, as this fall results in a painful collision that shatters one's self-confidence. .. more..
Academic failure is a complex topic affecting hundreds of thousands of students worldwide. Academic failure is not just a term; it is a challenge that most children and young people face at different stages of their education. .. more..
Allow yourself to be successful and inspired and have the guts to do well. Academic and professional success are the keys to that. Achieving success in school and our careers can be compared to the paths we take in our personal and .. more..
Anxiety is one of the most prevalent psychological issues among students that coincides with the impending exam date. Anxiety is different from fear because anxiety is a reaction to a perceived threat, whereas fear is defined as a .. more..
Most students feel various forms of psychological discomfort while studying, such as drowning in bad thoughts, so they get preoccupied with thinking about the consequences of their failure instead of thinking about the outcomes of .. more..
The educational process is multifaceted and essential for human development, involving various activities, strategies, and institutions aimed at facilitating learning, enhancing personal growth, and equipping individuals with .. more..
During their career, teachers may face many difficulties, especially in the first few years of work. In this article, we will discuss strategies for dealing with students of all qualities, how to control a chaotic classroom, and .. more..
Finding the most appropriate way to study effectively is a long and continuous path, which must be addressed the night of the exam, so you must constantly develop your study skills to know accurately what is useful and what is not. Training .. more..