Setting Goals

Articles on how to set goals and set smart goals

Should Your Personal Goals Be Fixed? How Do Paths and Goals Change Over Time?

Have you ever established a goal for yourself only to discover later that it no longer appeals to you or that the route you anticipated taking to aachieve it has taken a detour?
clock icon 5 Minutes Setting Goals    clock icon 17 May 2023

How to Set Your Personal Goals in 5 Steps?

Establishing personal goals is a crucial first step to success and personal development. It’s a daunting step that not many people take seriously because they think it’ll take care of itself. .. more..
clock icon 5 Minutes Setting Goals    clock icon 4 May 2023

5 Reasons You Should Have a Life Purpose

What is a life purpose? Is it a fantasy that only meditators get? What exactly is it? There are multiple interpretations of what a life purpose is. It is simply your life’s message that you wish to drive in the world during your time on .. more..
clock icon 5 Minutes Setting Goals    clock icon 30 January 2023
Brainycore art

Develop emotional intelligence skills

Manage your emotions to make a positive impact in your life and career