How to Help Your Child with Homework?

Studies confirm the importance of educating the child at an early age by introducing them to education centers for their age until the time comes for the child to enter school.
clock icon 6 Minutes Raising Children    clock icon 10 August 2024

How to Deal with Students

During their career, teachers may face many difficulties, especially in the first few years of work. In this article, we will discuss strategies for dealing with students of all qualities, how to control a chaotic classroom, and .. more..
clock icon 6 Minutes Education    clock icon 7 August 2024

How does a Teacher Handle a Child with ADHD?

The issue of preparing the child is one of the pivotal issues of greatest importance in society. It's the basis for the formation of the human personality. A normal person with a healthy personality results if it's built the right way. .. more..
clock icon 7 Minutes Education and Training    clock icon 6 June 2024

Schools Between Educating and Indoctrinating Children

Two people may not disagree on the importance of schools in human life. Instead, all scientific, technical, intellectual, and cultural development that we see before us has passed through these schools, as it is considered the first .. more..
clock icon 6 Minutes Education    clock icon 30 March 2024

Brainycore art

Develop emotional intelligence skills

Manage your emotions to make a positive impact in your life and career