Happiness and Giving

People frequently look for happiness in worldly possessions, fleeting gains, and fleeting experiences in today's fast-paced and materialistic society. However, as per the book "Shortcut for a Better Life" by Ziad Rayess, true and .. more..
clock icon 2 Minutes Happiness    clock icon 2 April 2023

Get Started and Correct as You Go

In his book "Shortcut for a Better Life," Ziad Rayess stresses how critical it is to recognize the need for perfection in social, cultural, and business projects from the outset. He emphasizes that failure to do so often results in the .. more..
clock icon 3 Minutes Success Principles    clock icon 1 April 2023

Why Is It Important to Teach Students How to Overcome Obstacles?

In life, obstacles are inevitable. Everyone faces them at some point, and they come in different shapes and sizes.
clock icon 5 Minutes Life Lessons    clock icon 1 April 2023

The present: Its Importance and Relevance to the Future

One of my favorite TV quotes is from How I Met Your Mother. The main characters are Ted and Marshall. When they face an insurmountable problem, they often tell each other "Looks like a problem to be solved by future Ted and Marshall." .. more..
clock icon 4 Minutes Life Lessons    clock icon 25 March 2023

Difficult Questions That Could Save Your Life And Save You Pain

We waste our lives waiting for perfect roads to appear before us, but they never show because we forget that the purpose of these roads is to walk on them and not to stand at their sides.
clock icon 8 Minutes Life Lessons    clock icon 19 March 2023

Are You Good Enough?

People don't often answer the question “Am I good enough?” "Yes". For a large number of people, the idea of being enough is incomprehensible.
clock icon 5 Minutes Life Lessons    clock icon 28 February 2023

4 Lies You Tell Yourself When You're Afraid to Do Something

When was the last time you let fear overcome you? Whether we want to admit it or not, fear prevents us from doing many of the things we know we must do to achieve our goals. Entrepreneurs are the ones who are most harmed by fear, especially when .. more..
clock icon 3 Minutes Life Lessons    clock icon 25 February 2023

Noise Between Visual, Media, and Sound Pollution

Is there anyone in the world who is not affected by the noise?
clock icon 7 Minutes Environment    clock icon 20 February 2023

Things You Must Remember So that Life Does Not Precede You

One of the biggest myths that plague people's minds is that you are supposed to achieve certain things at a certain age, and there may be benefits to balancing yourself against your peers.
clock icon 4 Minutes Life Lessons    clock icon 13 February 2023

Health and the Pursuit of Joy

Public health is all about trying to create a healthier world. In the course of doing this, we should at times point out our own shortcomings in promoting health, and then the effect of creating a system that is totally health-related may .. more..
clock icon 5 Minutes Happiness    clock icon 10 February 2023

Being Here: 6 Ways To Be Present Every Day

Being in the present is about being fully focused and engaged in the present moment and place. Learning how to be present means being mindful in aligning your goals with your passions and objectives. Also, it becomes a way to cope with .. more..
clock icon 4 Minutes Happiness    clock icon 9 February 2023

Change Your Perception, Change Your Reality

“We take a handful of sand from the endless landscape of awareness around us and call that handful of sand the world.” - Robert M. Pirsig, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance.
clock icon 3 Minutes Life Lessons    clock icon 8 February 2023
Brainycore art

Develop emotional intelligence skills

Manage your emotions to make a positive impact in your life and career