Nine Morning Habit That Change Your Life

As soon as the sun rises in the morning, I get out of bed when my family is still asleep after first gathering my thoughts. The day is starting out calmly and peacefully. Following a brief stretch and glass of water, I start the tea pot and .. more..
clock icon 5 Minutes Lifestyle    clock icon 12 September 2024

How to Maintain Your Daily Routine?

There was a moment when I became frustrated and began to adopt a daily routine, and that was at the end of my morning routine. I felt upset and impulsive; I did not do everything that I felt was important to the routine, and I had to prepare to go .. more..
clock icon 3 Minutes Lifestyle    clock icon 10 September 2024

Eight Things to Give Up for Peace

When people let go of the things that impede their growth, progress, and happiness, tranquility and peace of mind are attained, and afterwards bloom and grow in human beings.
clock icon 6 Minutes Life Lessons    clock icon 30 August 2024

11 Morning Habits to Start Your Day

Over the past year, the morning routine for almost everyone has been turned upside down as a result of lockdowns, quarantines, work from home, and other family responsibilities. Creating a productive morning routine can seem like a .. more..
clock icon 6 Minutes Lifestyle    clock icon 5 August 2024

11 Things You Every Morning Need to Remind Yourself About

We may not always love everything in our lives, but deep down, we love and appreciate the magic of life itself. Some of us believe that everything and anything is possible.
clock icon 5 Minutes Lifestyle    clock icon 30 July 2024

3 Doubts You Should Eliminate

Accept that you won't always find the best solution, but taking action will be better than not doing your job.
clock icon 4 Minutes Life Lessons    clock icon 29 July 2024

11 Steps to Create Your Evening Routine

In 1961, Maxwell Maltz, M.D., published a booklet called Psycho-Cybernetics, whcih means “Programming the mind to go to a productive goal, so that it can reach the goal of peace of mind each of us wants.” In his paper, Maltz .. more..
clock icon 7 Minutes Lifestyle    clock icon 26 July 2024

6 Important Facts You Should Always Say to Yourself

You are gorgeous and powerful; Do not forget this, and if you are going through a moment of temporary confusion, let me remind you of some critical facts that you should always repeat to yourself.
clock icon 5 Minutes Life Lessons    clock icon 23 July 2024

How to Feel About What You Have?

Imagine going to the mailroom of your workplace and finding an envelope with a message from your boss inside. Of course, you will rush back to your office to read the content of the message, and in the meantime, the following questions come .. more..
clock icon 5 Minutes Happiness    clock icon 14 July 2024

Be Yourself without Trying Too Hard

I lived with a wonderful friend who spoke English as her third language a few years ago. After years of experience, she eventually became fluent, but there was one phrase she would always say that I initially found difficult to understand: .. more..
clock icon 4 Minutes Life Lessons    clock icon 2 May 2024

Things that Make Your Life Harder than It Needs to Be

Imagine having a fresh, ripe and juicy apple in front of you. You pick it up, take the first bite, and take in the taste. If your expectation of the apple's flavor is different from what it tastes like, you will be let down and won't be satisfied .. more..
clock icon 6 Minutes Life Lessons    clock icon 16 April 2024

10 Critical Questions You Must Ask Yourself

Wisdom involves asking the right questions rather than having all the answers. The simple questions you keep asking yourself will ultimately shape who you are in the long run, so take a moment to think about these questions today: .. more..
clock icon 3 Minutes Life Lessons    clock icon 22 March 2024
Brainycore art

Develop emotional intelligence skills

Manage your emotions to make a positive impact in your life and career