How to Turn Your Study into a Profitable Investment?

College is expensive and time-consuming, no matter how long a person spends in college to earn a degree. A two-year diploma after high school graduation is sufficient for some students, but a college degree is the most common option for .. more..
clock icon 8 Minutes Education and Training    clock icon 18 September 2024

8 Tips to Make Online Education More Fun for Kids

Since the beginning of the pandemic, many schools have resorted to online education. If you are a kindergarten teacher or a primary school teacher, you will need to make online lessons fun and educational at the same time. To achieve this, .. more..
clock icon 3 Minutes Distance Learning    clock icon 3 September 2024

The Difference Between Formal and Informal Learning

Every learning and development team has one end goal; they have to make sure that every member of the organization is provided with every available training opportunity. But for a modern and growing company, what is the best way to do it? .. more..
clock icon 4 Minutes Education    clock icon 14 August 2024

How to Help Your Child with Homework?

Studies confirm the importance of educating the child at an early age by introducing them to education centers for their age until the time comes for the child to enter school.
clock icon 6 Minutes Raising Children    clock icon 10 August 2024

How to Deal with Students

During their career, teachers may face many difficulties, especially in the first few years of work. In this article, we will discuss strategies for dealing with students of all qualities, how to control a chaotic classroom, and .. more..
clock icon 6 Minutes Education    clock icon 7 August 2024

5 Ways to Restore Your Passion of Education

Even the best life work can strain and weaken us. So, how can we find inspiration and purpose again? What  gives you a sense of meaning in your work, even on hard days?
clock icon 5 Minutes Personal Development    clock icon 1 August 2024

The Concept of Electronic Learning, Its Advantages and Disadvantages

Sometimes, as a result of health, physical, or other conditions, an individual is unable to pursue their studies at school or university in the traditional natural way, or the dreams of some individuals may be to obtain a degree in a .. more..
clock icon 8 Minutes Education    clock icon 10 June 2024

Schools Between Educating and Indoctrinating Children

Two people may not disagree on the importance of schools in human life. Instead, all scientific, technical, intellectual, and cultural development that we see before us has passed through these schools, as it is considered the first .. more..
clock icon 6 Minutes Education    clock icon 30 March 2024

Instructional Designer Job and How to Find It

Hiring a contract instructional designer or hiring a full-time employee is an issue that learning leaders think about every time a new training need arises.
clock icon 4 Minutes Education and Training    clock icon 9 March 2024

10 Pointers for a Successful Teacher: How Do I Grow into a Well-liked and Successful Teacher?

Teaching is more than just a regular job; it's a profession that influences countless minds and futures. A great teacher inspires, guides, and radiates warmth for their students even outside of the school setting. Although it could seem .. more..
clock icon 5 Minutes Education    clock icon 29 February 2024

How to Cultivate Positive Behaviors?

Modern society faces a significant challenge in cultivating positive behaviors and values that promote growth and flourishing. This challenge is particularly pronounced in Third World societies experiencing painful realities. .. more..
clock icon 2 Minutes Personal Development    clock icon 21 April 2023

Theoretical Education and Behavioral Application

In the modern social media era, people are sharing religious lessons, courses in management, and neuro-linguistic programming. Despite the widespread availability of this knowledge, neither our society nor our interactions with .. more..
clock icon 3 Minutes Education and Training    clock icon 7 April 2023

Brainycore art

Develop emotional intelligence skills

Manage your emotions to make a positive impact in your life and career